Simple Gospel Podcast
Simple Gospel Podcast
Developing A Spiritual Appetite
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -23:02

Developing A Spiritual Appetite

Use up and give out what you have received recently.

Do you know what makes a person hungry?

That's right, using up the nutritional caloric value of the stuff that they ate.

Once your body burns it up, I think it's called metabolism, then there's a little hunger signal that goes from your tummy saying, give me some more, give me some more, right?

We become hungry because we

used it.

In the spiritual world, people hunger and thirst after righteous content when they are actively exercising what they do know and getting it out there.

I could be incorrect.

I might be short-sighted, misguided … but those who attempt to convey a truth that they have been chewing on to their world and they love the truth enough to let it go and let it fly and share with somebody God might be prone to want to share more truth with that person because they were an enthusiastic conduit; they were a delivery mechanism.

So what's the point?

Well, I get more hungry for Scripture and time with God when I tell somebody what Scripture and my time with God means and how it's helpful and useful, positive.

Sharing makes me hungry.

Using up and, um, …

Passing along that which has been entrusted to my care makes me significantly hungry for more.

Why do you record while you're driving?

It's really distracting.

We can hear all the background noise: because life is extremely short and we don't know how long we have to live, and the truth must be conveyed and plus I don't have a couple dollars to buy an editor to make it all clean and crispy. So you just pretend that you are along for the ride in the vehicle and the background noise is part of life. :)

There it is, Proverbs 27.7, The Full Soul.

The soul, the full soul loatheth an honeycomb.

It's disgusted, repulsed by the presence of a honeycomb.

But, in stark contrast to the hungry soul, every bitter thing is sweet.

I'm voraciously appetite-driven.

I've got to have something, even if it's a bitter herb.

Let me have it.

I am hungry for truth.

You know why?

If people don't consume large contents of Scripture and they don't spend a lot of time seeking after God in prayer and earnest communion with their Heavenly Father, it's because they do not have an exhaustion port.

They do not have an outlet.

They do not have an opportunity to exercise the delivery of truth to another audience.

Therefore, they do not need a refill.

But I need a refill.

I need to go back to God and say, God, I'm exhausted.

I'm tired.

I gave everything we got.

You delivered to me the package.

I absorbed the package.

I enjoyed the package.

And I delivered that which I've learned.

You know the best kind of students are the teachers.



When the student can teach that which they've learned, then they've just demonstrated that they have an excellent spirit and a capacity to comprehend the subject matter.

When the student becomes the teacher, they are the teacher.

After you teach it, or preach it, then you reach for more.

You will be hungry after you use up that which you've currently been entrusted with.

Come on!

Let's look at another verse on hunger because all of us should be developing our spiritual appetite.



Here we go now.

Jesus said,

unto them, comma.

Now you'll have to listen deep because nobody can do the voice of Jesus like the Holy Spirit.

So just try to hear the voice of Jesus.

Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of life.

He that cometh to Me shall never hunger.

And he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.

What was he saying?

He was speaking in a spiritual soliloquy.

He was giving the example of physical hunger and physical thirst and saying, I am the satiate.

I am the complete satisfaction.

I am the developer of that desire in you.

I implanted that hunger.

I made you want Me.

You know what's attractive about God?

We all need God.

We all are hungry.

We're born hungry.

We wake up hungry.

If you don't eat for however many hours or minutes, you're hungry.

If you're not around God for X number of hours, are you hungry?

Are you thirsty?

He is the Satisfier of our soul.

I like how he said it.

Let's back it up.

Let's hear it again because words from God is spiritual food.

John 6:35.

This whole passage

where Jesus talks about eating his flesh.

It freaks people out.

Most disciples walk away, but there's some good truth in there.

Here it is.

And Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of life.

He that cometh to Me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.

I'm going to back up.

I took Greek in college.

I don't know much about it, but I'm going to look at the tense of those verbs.

If you go to Blue Letter Bible, you tap, you dig in.

It's got the interlinear concordance and you scroll down.

When He says, I am the Bread of life.

I think that means that He continues to be the Bread of life, like He's the everlasting source, like He's the bread and the bread and the bread and the bread.

He's the continuation thereof.

He's the Bread yesterday, today, and forever.

It's never day old.

It's never expired.

It's not going to rot and mildew.

There's no yeast.

You can always take a bite that's fresh and warm right out of the oven when you open the Bible.

The Bible's an everlasting,

Living, vibrant source of spiritual nutrition for our soul, our mind, our body, our being.

And if we're not delivering it out, then it becomes stale inside.

It becomes stagnant.

I'm not thirsty.

I'm not hungry.

I don't need the Bible.

I don't need to listen.

I don't want to listen to God.

I don't want to talk.


Because you have no audience and you have no exercise daily.

No cadence.

You know the best teachers …

in Church are people that volunteer to teach in church.

The ones who have a class, the ones who show up with something prepared to deliver; and those who refuse to participate in the teaching process, they've blocked the flow.

They've blocked the flow of truth.

A beggar sharing bread with another.

You know, when you go to the Bread of Life, He doesn't just give you a bite.

He doesn't give you a little cupcake.

You don't just get a loaf.

You walk away with a barrel full.

You walk away with a wheelbarrow full of bread that's impossible for somebody to eat it all.

Thou shalt not consume everything God gives you.

You're going to be more than satisfied.

The thirsty, the Bible says, out of his belly shall flow rivers, plural.

Out of his belly shall flow rivers, spiritually, of living water.

What's that?

That's the word from God that got inside of him and that must, by nature, flow out.

Same with the bread.

If you take a bite of the bread and you let it saturate in your head and it sinks down into your soul and it gets into your earlobes and it goes down into your heart and then it gets down into your toenails, you are going to distribute.

You're going to be signed up.

You're going to buy a bread truck.

You're going to buy a bread franchise and you're going to be delivering that bread and delivering that bread.

You're going to have certain stops on your route.

You're going to be dropping it off at Joe's

corner store and then you go over to Sally's side store and you're gonna get the the Van Til corner grocery you're gonna have somebody that's gonna love the bread. Now all of us can be bread broadcasters: bread delivery people.

Fresh bread, fresh bread, warm, toasty, add some butter, sugar, milk, whatever you want, but let's get some bread on the table.

I mean, did you ever listen growing up to somebody that was a server of bread?

You know, what do they do at these fancy restaurants?

First thing on the table, they bring out some water and then some warm bread and butter.


They're trying to get your appetite going.

They're trying to get that smell, the salivation.

They're trying to get something to roll, right?

When you get excited about food, bread first.


Let's fill them up.

Jesus said, I am the Bread of life, spiritual nutrition for your everything.

Did you take a bite today?

What's the proof that you took a bite?

Did you take two bites?

Do you have anything to share?

Say nobody would care.

It doesn't matter.

It is impossible not to share spiritual truth once it fully gets down into the fibers of your being.

It must be resonated, broadcast, delivered.


You can't stop sharing!

Well, I'm just going to take it in for myself.

That's all.

It's a personal matter.

It's all about me now.

No, that is not the nature of truth.


Jesus went about telling, sharing, teaching, preaching, explaining, clarifying.

Let Me tell you about my Dad.

Let Me tell you about my Father.

This is how it operates in heaven.

Are you curious about the next level?

I've been to the next level.

In fact, I am the next level, said Jesus.

This is how it happens in my Father's kingdom.

Can I explain it to you?

People are like, they were enraptured.

They sat for hours.

They forgot their appetite.

They're being spiritually fed.

They're just like, I don't need any water.

This guy is the Water capital, double yeah, double yeah.

The lady sat down her bucket.

She didn't even take the water home.

She's like, I found the Living Water.

He gave me water, never runs dry.

Tears started coming out the eyes.

You know, once the well is implanted inside your soul, you're going to go share with somebody, I found the Water, I found the Bread, would you like a bite?

Anybody thirsty?

Anybody hungry?

I've been thirsty.

I needed this nutrition.

I gotta tell somebody about it.

Regardless of how social media blocks, condemns, controls, manipulates, and depresses

the sharing of good news if you have 332 friends of which I have supposedly on social media and only three of them click like or zero click like it's not their responsibility to receive; it's my responsibility to deliver the bread. I'm gonna put it on your porch whether you wake up open the door you smell it you don't like it you kick it off say I don't like that. I like J Vernon McGee.

Anybody listen, when you grew up, did you listen to Chuck Swindoll?

And I'm sorry to name drop, but were there any spiritual delivery people in your childhood that you anticipated something positive from heaven that was fresh, a fresh bread basket, warm, smelling awesome?

Back when wheat wasn't toxic.

Back before it got sprayed with all that garbage.

We'll talk about Amish organic fresh pressed made by Henny Penny directly from the farm.

Bread from heaven.

Let's back it up.

John 6.

I love it.

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, truly, truly, let me get your attention.

I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, manna, wilderness.

That wasn't from Moses.

They thought it was.

Isn't that hilarious?

He had to clarify their distinction.

But my Father giveth you the true Bread from heaven.

Anybody curious?

Anybody interested?

Anybody want to hear about it?

I got the bread.

I am the bread.

Here we coming.

This is the introduction.

He's a great storyteller.

Storytellers help you anticipate what might happen …

for the Bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world."

Nutritional substance to cause life instead of hunger and death.

Then said they unto Him, Lord evermore give us this bread.

Well, who is it?

Is it manna?

Is it coriander seed?

Is it kind of like the children of Israel in the wilderness?

Are you talking about reinstating free handout from the government?

I mean from God on high?

Is He going to give us dew and just little crackers with honey?

Well, what kind of bread you got?

Hook me up with some of that bread.

They do not get it.

He just said, For the bread of God is He, that's a person, which came down from heaven, da-ding, it's me, hello, and giveth life unto the world.

Take a bite.

Here's my arm.

And they said, Lord,

You know, like the woman at the well, evermore give us this water that I come not hither to draw from the well.

He's like, woman, I am the Water.

I'm the well, I'm the maker, I'm the everything you've been looking for and you haven't been able to find in your five other husbands because I surpass all of them.

Jesus said unto them, I am the Bread of life.

He did not say duh.

He did not condescend.

He did not treat them like they were kids or teenagers that didn't get it.

But I think he just said, I've been wanting to tell you.

I'm so excited.

You didn't get it the first three times, but here it is again, maybe a little more clear.

I … am … the … Bread of life.

He that cometh to me shall never hunger.

You come to Me spiritually, your cravings will go away.

He that believeth on Me shall never thirst for satiation in the world.

But I say unto you that ye also have seen me and believe not.

All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me, and he that cometh to Me will I in no wise cast out.

Come on, take a bite.

Come on, take a drink.

At the end of Revelation, he's like, drink a thirst.

He that is a thirst say, come on!

Come on!

Somebody ought to draw up a song.

Somebody with linguistic dexterity and a little bit of language skills mixed with high

Harmonizing, take it to the next level.

Sing a song every time, research, where God talks about hunger and thirst and water and bread and just glory to God.

You know there's a song in heaven about Jesus is the water and Jesus is everlasting, Jesus is the satisfier.

Come on, somebody take it, somebody who has that gift, take it to the next level.

Then the Jews murmured at Him, because He said, I am the Bread of life which came down from heaven.

We don't get it.

Because you don't have spiritual eyeballs.

You don't have spiritual enlightenment.

Jesus therefore answered and said to them, murmur not among yourselves, you gripers, you completely murmur, murmur, murmur.

Um, no man can come to Me except the Father which has sent Me draw him.

There's got to be a magnetism and you're resisting the magnetism.

I'm trying to get you to know who I am and you're refusing the introduction.

Hello, I am God.

Like, no.

as it is written in the prophets, and they shall be all taught of God.

I'm the teacher, I'm right here trying to teach you.

You will not hear my voice.

You're resisting the truth.


Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.

Can I make it next level clear?

Let's go to level five.

You know, level one, I said Moses didn't give you that bread, God gave you the bread.

Number next one,

That bread is he which came down from heaven.

You don't get it?

Okay, I am the Bread.

You don't get it?

Spiritually, I am the Water.

I'm your satisfier.

You don't get it?

Okay, only those who can hear My voice and receive Me.

God's going to try to teach you

what the bread is, but you don't get it because you don't want to hear it.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.

I am that Bread of life.

He says again, second time, repeat, get it into your cranium.

It's an important message.

I'll buy a billboard.

We'll put it in bold font.


Big, bold, simple, third grade letters.

I am that

Bread of Life.

Put that on Highway 65.

Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead.

He knew that in their heart they still believed that somehow Moses was the magician that made the cookies.

Moses wasn't a baker.

Moses didn't make nothing.

He was tired.

He went to bed.

God baked the manna and put it out there.

Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness and they done do did die.

They're gone.

This is the Bread, pointing at Himself.

I, this, this right here, is the Bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die.

Spiritually, take a bite.

Try it.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.

No hunger?

No appetite?

Can I whet your appetite?

Are you slightly curious?

How about a smell?

Anybody want a smell?

You know, Jimmy John's.

“Free smells.”


A free taste test.

It's like you get the little sliver slice of cheese at the grocery store with the sampler lady on the sample platter.

Then he goes on again, I think this is like repeat number four, I am the living Bread, the embodiment.

I am the living spiritual nutrition source.

I am the living bread which came down from heaven.

If any man eat of this Bread, he shall live for ever.

It's like he's a broken record on repeat, trying to get it through their skulls.

And the bread that I give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

and they're like, uh, my glasses don't work.

I can't hear you.


Closes it out.

This is that Bread which came down from heaven, not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead.

He that eateth of this Bread shall live for ever.

Take a bite of the Bread and then eat enough bites to where you have to want to share.

You know why there's not enough Christian bloggers in the world?

It's because they don't bite the Bible.

Take a big bite of the Bible.

If you don't want to teach it, preach it, share it, teach it, you didn't chew long enough.

If you chew it, you will share it.

You know, I like finding high quality food that I can recommend and introduce to new people.

You know what?

I worked in a recovery home and most everybody in the house didn't like milk.

They were allergic to milk.

So I founded Amish Organic Raw Milk Farmer, which is totally illegal.

However, there's a little sticker on there that says only feed to pets, only suitable for pets.

Because the government has to corrupt and pervert that which God made to make it more clean.

Yeah, that's garbage.

So we took raw milk, because people are allergic to the process, this is a long illustration, but I got almost everybody in the house loving raw, direct from cow, clean, pure, God-designed milk.

Now, if I say raw, organic, clean, pasture-raised eggs, you're like, oh yeah, they're better, they're better.

But you don't trust that God can make milk clean?

Anyway, they developed an appetite.

They're like, this is the best.

This is the way you do it.

I installed a water purifier.

And then I said, taste the tap water.

Now taste this water.

They're like, that's better.

That's better water.


Those who want to share with others from a pure heart desiring other people to experience the next level of clarity, the next level of untoxified, cleansed, pure, direct, raw, God-intended food

It's similar, that desire to share is similar to wanting to tell somebody a spiritual truth you learned recently.

Gotta shut it down.

You gotta go share.

Push the button.

Start something.

It's free.

Did you know Substack is free?

It takes literally 10 minutes, I don't know if you got it, 10 minutes, a tiny intellect, and a little bit of button pushing to start your own channel.

What will I teach?

Doesn't matter.

Take a bite of the Bread and tell somebody and put it on Substack.

It's free.

It's simple.

It's a good starter point.

You can always grow later.

But if you don't start, I mean, come on, please, I beg you, pray about it.

Ask God.

Say, God, do you want me to share the bread of life?

You know, see if you get a positive response.

And if you do, then you got to take action.

Love you.


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