Why should we breathe?
That's the level of question we're dealing with when people say, why should I read my Bible?
That's like, why should I talk to my dad?
Well, I love my Father.
I'm supposed to connect.
I'm supposed to appreciate that time of harmony with His heartbeat.
My earthly father, by the way, established a good pattern in our home that he did
pull a lot of nutrients out of the Bible.
He lived the Bible in front of us; and he wrote his notes.
You can see with beautiful handwriting, you know, “What the cross really means.
When Jesus died, His death on the cross reached all the way back to the beginning of time.
It reached all the way down to the end of time.
In fact, the cross of Jesus Christ reaches straight through eternity.”
That's just one thought.
And it's just pages; I have cases and cases and cases, boxes and boxes of his sermon notes.
And when I don't feel like doing something that's right, I have to motivate myself because you know the number one person to motivate you, you're looking at him.
I have to motivate me.
That's one of the keys to success.
It's not always going to be your dad.
It's not always going to be your grandpa.
It's not always going to be your spouse.
It's not always going to be your family member.
It usually needs to be you.
And it's not always going to be God.
God should not have to beg us to read His love letter every day.
So, it's healthy, it's nutritious, it's delicious, you can enjoy it, and you can appreciate connecting with your Father.
So, we're going to read John 17.
Now, another preface, not all the time does the Bible chapter that you read for that day need to completely resonate with you.
In fact, most of the Bible is so far above us that if we can just uptake 5%, 10% of the content, if we can find that nugget,
If we can get one of the verses to hum with us and to make our soul glow with the glory of God, if the Holy Spirit just brings out one thought, that's perfectly awesome.
Now, we should do our best to be open to listen to what the Spirit has to say through the Scripture to the sheep and try to resonate as much as we can.
You know, I know of several people who pray certain prayers before they read the Bible.
I would want to humble myself and recognize that these words are from God.
Let's just try a prayer, right?
Prayer is not magic.
It's just talking to God.
So let's pray.
Let's try.
“Dear God, thank you for writing us a Book.
Thank You for loving us enough to think that we're intelligent enough to think on Your level, which is really difficult.
Help us to appreciate the craftsmanship and the authorship that went into intentionally selecting every single word and help us to appreciate the nutrition and the density, the wisdom.
Help us to bring some value from the Scripture to our lives today.
Please speak to us.
We need to hear from You.
We need to understand You better.
We need to love You better.
I want to appreciate our relationship and I want to have a good relationship with the Bible because that's one of the keys to success.
So, John 17 is commonly called the High Priestly Prayer.
It is when Christ was getting ready to go to Calvary and He was talking to His Father.
Last minute notes.
Now, when Jesus gets closer and closer to the cross, He stops talking.
He doesn't talk a lot when he's being accused.
He doesn't speak too many sentences when he's in front of Pilate.
He only utters a few sayings when he's on the cross.
So he's pouring out His heart.
He's almost going to Gethsemane.
We don't have the full recording of how Jesus prayed in the garden when He sweat great drops of blood and tears
in emotional agony knowing that He was about to face the cross.
But John 17 actually starts in John 16.
So we'll back up a little bit to the previous chapter and give it a running start because Scripture is inspired by God.
I do believe the numbers have meaning.
I do believe the chapter divisions even have meaning.
It's nice to get a context.
So here Jesus has finished the Last Supper with His disciples.
The Holy Spirit has been promised.
We're seeing just chapter chunks.
Let's just pick it up probably in the middle of John 16 and we'll just roll in from there.
Now, please listen with the Spirit on and your brain on and your heart and your soul and your mind and a willingness to do.
I like to sharpen a pencil and be willing to say, “Dear God, if You tell me to do something, I am so ready to write it down and pass it along.”
A lot of times we learn things that are not for us …
we learn things for others. You know, live the others-life. If you're a conduit you stay clean because there's a lot of fluid flowing through you, right? So if you're a pipe and you're connecting people to Christ, maybe that helps. I don't have a better illustration but you can hear it; you can hear the truth. All right so John 16 verse 12:
If you want to follow along in your King James Bible, I'm not harping on that.
I'm just saying stay with pure, clean water.
Don't change it.
Life is short.
Stop twisting.
So John 16:12 says, [this is Jesus Christ speaking]:
“I have yet many things to say unto you, [His disciples,] but ye cannot bear them now.
Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth, [Jesus Christ, of course, being the Truth, but the Spirit is coming to unpack that box farther.]
For He, the Spirit of Truth, shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall He speak, and He will show you things to come.
Notice the Holy Spirit is never about Spirit-emphasis.
The Holy Spirit is always about deflecting glory and emphasizing the Son.
And the Son is never about self-glorification.
He's always about deflecting glory and emphasizing the power and the strength and the wisdom of the Father.
So it's a team.
Anyway, sorry, I'll try to read the Scripture.
He will show you things to come.
Help you understand the Truth.
Verse 14, He shall glorify Me, for He shall receive of Mine and shall show it unto you.
All things that the Father hath are mine.
Therefore said I, that he shall take of Mine and shall show it unto you.
Now, not all the time do you capture the fullness of every sentence and every line.
As we mature as Christians, hopefully we become ready to receive more.
But next time I read it through,
Maybe more of it will make sense.
There's going to be a lot of lines in John 17 that are unpackable.
They're like massive mountain, just a lot of information.
Now Jesus starts talking about the fact that He's going to the cross.
He starts communicating His death and resurrection to the disciples one last time because they're human.
They're hard-headed.
They don't get it.
Because they've never experienced that, and He's like, this is how it's going to happen.
John 16:16 A little while, and ye shall not see Me, and again a little while, and ye shall see Me, because I go unto the Father.
Then saith some of His disciples unto themselves, What is this that He saith unto us, a little while, and ye shall not see Me, and again a little while, and ye shall see Me, because I go unto the Father?
They said, therefore, what is this that He saith a little while?
We cannot tell what He saith.
Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask Him, and He said unto them, Do ye inquire among yourselves of that I said a little while, and ye shall not see Me, and again a little while, and ye shall see Me?
It's not a riddle, guys.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice.
And you shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.
Now, we know what He's talking about, but Jesus did talk in layers.
He was a wordsmith craftsman.
He was just a fun Guy to listen to.
He was like a movie teller, script writer, amazing.
Looking back, we know what this verse means, but they were still confused.
Like, dude, just tell us the answer.
And He's like, I'm getting to the answer gradually.
Follow Me now.
Here we go.
The world's going to rejoice.
Because they're going to kill Me.
You are going to be sad, weep, and lament.
Because I'm going to the cross.
But afterwards, a little later, a little while, you shall see Me.
Then you'll rejoice.
It'll be turned into joy.
Then He uses an illustration.
We don't talk like this, but God does.
So, a woman, when she is in travail, hath sorrow, because her hour is come.
But as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish for the joy that a man is born into the world.
And ye now therefore have sorrow, but I will see you again.
There's a great song, The Funeral of John R. Rice, if you look it up on YouTube.
I'll see you again.
I'll see you again.
…and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.
So the upside is going to be double the down.
Then He starts doing the prayer promise.
He's going to promise them on the power of prayer, and then He's going to launch into His High Priestly prayer.
So this is the ramp-up to John 17.
Verse 23.
And in that day, [He's talking about the level of joy that His followers, and you're one of His followers, you're a disciple, you can be.]
And in that day, ye shall ask Me nothing.
Verily, verily, ultra-truly, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, he will give it you.
I want you to notice the “in My name”.
That means according to His reputation.
It has to be in harmony with Who Christ is.
Don't just walk up and say, can I have an elephant?
You have to walk up and say, “In the same frequency and heartbeat as what the Son desires from the Father, I am asking on behalf of the Son and with agreement in the name of the Son that I believe it would be best for the Father to grant this to us, me and Jesus together.”
Hitherto have ye asked nothing.
Now, most new versions would take out the next phrase, because what's the point?
Just ask God for something, right?
That simplifies it.
That's not the fact.
The fact is, hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name.
Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs.
Yeah, why?
Why all the time stories?
That's God's style.
But the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father.
And at that day you shall ask in My name.
Look it up.
That's a good phrase.
And I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you, for the Father Himself loveth you, because ye have loved Me and have believed that I came out from God.
I came forth from the Father,
and am coming to the world.
Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.
His disciples said unto Him, Lo, [wow,] now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb.
We appreciate that.
Now are we sure that Thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask Thee.
By this we believe that Thou camest forth from God.
You know, one of the attacks of the devil on the identity of Christ is, “Where in the Bible does God say that He's God?”
If God does not claim to be God, then you don't have to believe Him, and you can dismiss the gospel.
There's no good news for you.
You can flush it.
Just dismiss it all.
Congratulations on achieving Godhood by ejecting God from His seat of being who He is.
But this, in the book of John, specifically the gospel of John, God is God.
You know, it's almost like He saves the best for last.
In Matthew, He's the king.
In Mark, He's the suffering servant.
In Luke, he's the stink I forgot.
I'm sorry.
He's the Son of Man.
He's got this humanity on.
And in John, He's just, here I am, God.
Anyway, Jesus answered them, do ye now believe?
They just said, by this we believe.
And He's like,
Do you guys believe?
He asked a lot of questions.
Maybe that's one way to communicate.
Do you like questions?
Would you rather get questions or answers?
Think about that.
Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave Me alone.
And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
In other words, if you guys believed, you would hang around.
But you're a bunch of scaredy cats.
Watch this.
As soon as the guards walk in, two of you are going to stand with Me.
The rest of you are going to run away.
Can't make it through one night.
Could you not watch with Me one hour?
Wake up.
Let's pray.
Uh, I'm tired.
These things have I spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace.
He just kept emphasizing joy, joy, joy.
Now He says peace.
In the world you shall have tribulation.
That's a great bumper sticker.
Do you believe in God?
Which God particularly?
Oh, you believe in the God of the Bible, the Christ of God?
I'm going to tell you the future.
You want to know your future according to God?
Here it is.
I will declare.
I will speak in the name of the Lord.
Here it is straight from the Bible.
In the world ye shall have tribulation.
After that you want to put a little parentheses.
No shock.
No surprise It's gonna be a little rough for those of us who are on Team Jesus. Did you know that life's gonna be a little stressful?
You're gonna have to have some humor. He says in Ye you might have peace you; can have peace in the middle of tribulation The only way to solve that equation is Christ in you the hope of glory. These things have I spoken unto you John 16:33 that in ye in me you might have peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation, the absolute opposite of peace, but be of good cheer.
Big flex, I have overcome the world.
You want peace?
It's Me, He says.
In the world, you'll have tribulation.
But be of good cheer, smile a while, have a happy day, sing a song as you go through the throng.
I have overcome the world.
That's news to our ears.
I like it!
Did you have trouble today?
When's the last time you experienced just a taste of tribulation?
Did you know tribulation's going to get a little tougher?
As we get closer to the end, the clamp-down starts getting tighter.
This world swirls around the funnel down into the wrath of God.
People have to choose a side.
The right gets brighter and the dark gets more clammy and mucky and yucky.
I need a God Who's able to overcome this world!
Overcome the World, John 16:33.
Let's make that our memory verse.
These things have I spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace.
In other words, you got to hear His words to receive His peace.
In the world ye shall have tribulation, absolute promise, but be of good cheer …
I have overcome the world!
All that was introduction to John 17.
We should probably hit pause, but we'll just break it apart …
into little clips. All right the High Priestly prayer this is super intense dialogue between the Father and the Son. It goes way next-level like ultra-bomb however many thousand miles high beyond our comprehension; we just get to watch.
Here it is.
These words spake Jesus and lifted up His eyes to heaven.
So He wasn't praying down.
He was praying up, which I guess is okay sometimes.
Just look right up.
Hello, God.
First word.
He didn't say “our Father.”
He said, Hey, Dad, how You doing?
And then I wonder how the disciples felt when He just stopped talking to them, looks up and says, Father, do you do that?
You're walking with your friends.
You're walking with your spouse.
You just stop everything and say, Father, can you do it?
Can you do it?
Do you have the courage just to disconnect from this world and connect with the next world?
Father, the hour has come.
I think He was kind of declarative.
I don't know.
He had to speak loud to get God's attention. (no) He was declaring so those around Him could listen in.
Father, the hour has come.
Glorify Thy Son.
I think the disciples, if I was there and Jesus Himself, I just had confirmation in the previous chapter that this indeed is the Christ of God.
We have no doubt.
We believe.
And He's like, do you believe?
And I'm like, no, I believe.
And then He all of a sudden says, the hour is now.
Glorify Thy Son …
that Thy Son may also glorify Thee.
I would take a step back.
I would have been like, dude, what's going to explode?
Something's going to happen.
The lights, the sun, the stars.
I would expect massive action when the Son asked the Father to do stuff and He's going to just do stuff, right?
As Thou has given Him power over all flesh,
that he should give eternal life to as many as Thou hast given Him.
And this is life eternal, [He's still Christ to the Father, straight up, His eyes are up.]
And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God.
I want to say that to everybody on the earth.
That this is eternal life, breathe in, that they might know Thee, the only true God, singular, uno, onesie, nada mas, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent, smell that, breathe in that, fresh Muslim air,
The One True God and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent, unitized, they are One in the same.
I have glorified Thee on the earth, I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do,
Now how could he say that?
He's finished everything so far, and He's on pattern, on pace to complete the work.
And by the way, Jesus is timeless.
He was living temporarily inside of time, but He's already, He had already, He was slain from the foundations of the earth.
I mean, He's extra dimensional.
I have finished.
I'm about to finish, I will finish, and I have finished.
I'm the beginning, I'm the ending, I'm everything in-between.
I have glorified Thee on the earth.
Where was the maximum glory given?
In the suffering, the death, the burial, and the resurrection.
And these are long sentences.
They're connected.
I have glorified Thee, Father, on the earth.
I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.
I think that's a great quote to tell your boss.
You know, when you're done at the end of the day, “I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do.”
Do you think he'd look at you kind of weird; that'd be fun right?
And now Oh father [Every time there's an O in the Bible, you need to fill that bucket with emotion!!!!]
The word O can mean almost any feeling.
And now, O Father, I think He was speaking confidence.
I think He was speaking courage.
I have done the work.
I have done what You told Me to do.
It's been a good run.
This has been a great journey.
I've appreciated the opportunity to serve together.
And now, O Father, He's ready to graduate, glorify Thou Me with Thine own self, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was.
Is that a declaration of deity?
Remember, Dad, when We were united before the world was?
Who could have been here before the world was?
Only the Maker of the world!
Remember the glory that We had together back then?
I'd like to reunite that glory.
Nobody else can say that, by the way.
It's an exclusive statement.
I have manifested Thy name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world.
How would you feel as a disciple if He just defined you as one of the men that was given to Him by God specifically, and you are now called out of this world?
You are headed for the next level!
I mean, I would feel affirmation.
I would feel pretty excitement because the God Who made me, the God Who's eternal, the God Who's talking to the eternal God, …
is just doing this for our benefit and He just labeled me as one of the men who are called out of this world.
That's you too.
Are you called out of this world?
Get ready for the next world.
This world is not my home,
I'm just passing through.
Sorry, tear ducts.
If you don't read the Bible with tears, I'm not sure which Bible you're reading.
Just finish the verse, son.
I have manifested Thy name unto the men.
I got in trouble with a comment on the last video about manifest.
It means a lot.
If you look it up in the Webster's 1828, it means more than just “revealed”.
That is a lame-brain modern Wikipedia garbage definition.
The word is deep.
Abundantly obvious.
I've made it uber clear.
I've made it super simple.
I've put the jelly on the bottom shelf.
I've laid it out.
The boys understood the mess.
I have made manifest Thy name.
Because all the time He was like My Father's house is like this.
My Father's kingdom.
Here's how My Dad thinks.
Here's My Dad's operating system.
Here's how... Can I introduce you a little bit better to My Dad?
I have manifested Thy name unto the men which Thou gavest Me out of the world.
Peter's like, yeah, that's me!
That's me.
I'm out of this world.
Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me.
Now He's praying for His boys.
And they have kept Thy word.
See, now Thomas, he was all nervous.
He's like, oh man, I don't even know if I believe.
And now Jesus is like, these guys have kept Thy word.
He's like, yep.
I do kind-of keep the word.
God just told me I keep the word. :)
I want to be one of the word keepers, right?
They have kept Thy word.
That means protect, guard, and assimilate into action.
They've made it part of their DNA.
These guys are in the rhythm of following the word because I'm the Word.:)
That's Jesus.
Maybe He had a sense of humor.
Who knows?
Maybe God is boring.
No, just kidding.
He's not.
He's not boring.
Now they have known that all things whatsoever Thou hast given Me are of Thee.
For I have given unto them the words which Thou gavest Me.
Where did the Word come from?
[hint: not you.]
18 For I, the Word, have given unto them the words,
We could safely say, the exact same words which Thou gavest Me.
So God gave Me words, I give them words, I gave it to them, I trusted it to their care, and they have received them, what's them?
The words, high-value, high-treasure, and have known surely, how'd they know surely?
Through the stability and power of the words.
and have known surely that I came out from Thee, and they have believed that Thou didst send Me."
What's our responsibility?
Who should we believe?
The only One who's the most believable.
If you can find anybody that's even closely, remotely as believable as this Man, bring him on.
Step him up.
Buddha is a dead man.
He's got nothing.
But Christ’s tomb is empty.
This our Guy is the walk-away champion!
I mean, He's just the knock-it-out-of-the-park.
He's the best.
If you have a better recommendation for a God, please put it in the comments.
They believed that Thou didst send Me.
The Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.
Exclamation point!
Smiley face.
I pray for them.
Don't you want a Jesus that prays for you?
You know, sometimes it's hard to pray for ourselves.
We don't know what to say.
We don't know where to go.
We don't want to ask.
We're too nervous.
We're like, “Dear God, I'd like you to answer the request that I should ask if I was smart enough to know how to finish my own sentence.” :)
I just don't even know what to ask for.
But I'm here because I need You.
Here's Jesus in John 17 verse 9 says, I pray for them.
I feel really, really good when I have somebody that I know is connected with God praying for me.
I pray not for the world, by contrast, but for them which Thou hast given Me, for they are Mine.
I want to be His.
I want to be in the number, in the name.
I want to be counted on the roll.
I want to be part of that family.
They are mine.
Judas is gone.
This is just 11 guys standing around.
Judas was not “of Christ”.
But these guys are like, “I'm all in".”
I'm dying for this Guy.
I'm going all the way.
Peter's like, you can crucify me.
You can kill me.
You can crush me.
You can stone me.
Do whatever you want.
I believe and I will live the rest of my absolute breathing, living, energetic life for this Man because He believes that I'm His and … I am His.
They are Thine, and all Mine are Thine.
That includes me and you.
And Thine are Mine, and I am glorified in them.
That's the whole purpose of living, to have the glow of God pulsing and reverberating out of your soul, and out of your voice box, and out of your eyes, and out of your spirit, so that people can smell and tell that you have Christ in you, the hope of glory.
I am glorified in them.
Put that on your Instagram.
I am glorified in them.
What is glow or glorified?
It has to do with light.
It has to do with a high-eminence.
You know, we are primarily visual beings on one level, and we want to have a beautiful connection with God.
So the word glow or glory, from one perspective, it could possibly mean to help give someone else a higher opinion of God's beauty.
You know, when you put a filter on your post, and you want to make it even more amazing, you're trying to give glory to the concept or give glory to whatever it is you're posting.
And here it is.
We are supposed to be glory-posters for Him.
I, Jesus says, am glorified in them.
May that be our life story.
And now, I am no more in the world.
Now these guys are like, Dude, but you're right here.
See, He's a time transient person.
Jesus was a trans.
That's horrible.
Take that out.
But no, He was able to time travel, right?
And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, like I'm leaving these guys behind, and I come to thee.
Oh, where are you going?
I'm going to go to the Father.
Holy Father, keep through Thine own name those whom Thou hast given Me.
The word keep, protect, guard, shield, be like around.
that they may be one as we are One.
So now He starts talking about unity and harmony and hope.
And the future and in the future He really wants this team of His to be of one mind of one heart of one soul of one energy one momentum all moving in the same direction for the same purpose and He wants them to be one as We are one Father and Son are One, so the disciples just in the last chapter confirmed, that they believe that this the Father sent the Son and they are One and now Jesus says, “I want that same harmony that same unity …
that they may be one as We are. While I was with them in the world … now He's speaking in some poetic frequency where He's already seeing Himself as past the cross. While I was with them in the world I kept them in Thy name. See that's next level, that's just beyond comprehension. What are You? Okay I'd like to understand that someday
I kept them in Thy name, those that Thou gavest Me I have kept.
Notice they did not keep themselves saved.
I love you, Catholic brother.
You cannot keep yourself saved.
You cannot maintain that which you did not earn.
You cannot keep yourself.
Those that thou gavest Me I have kept, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
And now, that's Judas of course, and now come I to Thee, and these things I speak in the world.
Now when He says now, he must mean really soon, like this is the time, this is the launch, the liftoff, we're ready.
These things I speak in the world that they might have My joy fulfilled in themselves.
So this is an ongoing theme.
He really wants them to have joy.
If you remember just a couple paragraphs ago, He was saying you will have joy from what?
Answered prayer.
You will have joy from what?
The presence of the Holy Spirit.
You will have joy I want you to have.
These things I speak in the world that they might have My joy fulfilled in themselves.
I really want to experience what that is and I really want to know how to get that so Jesus is praying that we would have maximum joy fulfilled in themselves.
I have given them Thy word … that's in context. Where do we get joy from? His word. Take take a big juicy bite of yum out of the Bible. I have given them Thy word
and the world hath hated them.
So if you really receive the word, if you get a big bite of the burger, if it gets into your DNA, if you start to smell like what you assimilate into your soul, that frequency starts to come out of you, the world will absolutely, … the word hate, it can mean just ignore, it can mean misunderstand, it can mean block, it can mean shadow ban, it can mean just
That's just weird, man.
That's just disgusting.
Just get that away from here.
That's not how we think.
We think you just kill babies and it's perfectly fine.
I mean, we don't understand what's wrong with it.
The world hath hated them because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
The world had a major problem with Jesus, and eventually they killed Him.
What makes us any better than Him?
I pray not that Thou shouldst take them out of the world.
They're like, Dude, let me get on the plane.
If you're going to the Father and there's a plane or a bus or a train or a trolley, something about to lift off and leave.
Remember Peter said, I will go with You.
He's like, I actually am going to leave you guys here as like Captain Commandos to carry on the commission.
I pray not that Thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldst keep them from the evil.
Oh, thank you for the cloak, the protection, the armor, the shield.
Just protect us from the evil.
Now, if I had to protect myself from the evil, number one, impossible.
Number two, already be dead.
Number three, I'm not that powerful.
I need Jesus to ask God to give me a shield to keep me from the evil.
They are not of the world.
He keeps saying that.
I don't know how many times he said it.
You can back it up.
They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Evidently, we need to hear it again because He just said it again.
Sanctify, that means set apart clean for a purpose.
Sanctify them through Thy truth.
Thy word is truth.
He keeps emphasizing the value and the power of truth.
You've probably heard 17 sermons on this simple John 17:17 before.
Sanctify, ready, available, purified, clean, like a dish, set, ready to be used again, right?
I want to be useful.
I want to be clean.
Sanctify them, us believers, through Thy truth.
Thy word is truth.
It cleans us.
It gets us ready for service.
As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
Go get it done, boys.
Go reach the people.
What does He mean, into the world?
Does He mean to go fishing?
Does He mean to go hang out?
Does He mean to go travel?
I want to travel the world.
I don't even want to go down that path because it gets me all excited.
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.
Who's that?
The unsaved world. (is lost)
Souls of people.
Fishers of men.
He came here to communicate with other people.
If you're a non-communicator, you need the God Who's the great communicator to flow through you to be connecting the gospel with somebody.
I, here it is, that's the Great Commission actually.
In John 17, the Great Commission is that we know why Jesus came.
The disciples knew why Jesus came.
It was to deliver the truth of the gospel of God.
And He says, as Thou has sent Me into the world, why did Christ come into the world?
To save sinners.
Why are you come into the world?
Even so have I also sent them into the world.
Remember in Mark 16:15, go ye into all the world.
Here's the same commission.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray just like you gave Me a purpose and a vision and a focus to accomplish one particular thing and that is … to get the message out.
Even so, have I also sent them into the world.
That's the great commission compact down into a little tiny concentrated box that should just blow up in your soul, your life vision.
Number one, you should want to please the Lord, right?
If you ever get depressed or discouraged or feel despondent or even just want to quit, you need to have a life vision.
A life vision is something that is deep inside the roots of your being that no matter how you feel, these words move you to action.
God sent you into the world on purpose.
You know that purpose and when you act in accordance with that purpose you are on fore fire.
I like to mispronounce words on purpose; on purpose. Okay so you can pretend you're a southern kind of style preacher; you don't say the word fire, you say foore! You just kind of stretch it out play with a little bit you'll get; you'll get it even so.
Have I also sent them into the world
When you compress something down and you let other people unpack it and just ask the God-in-them to explain it to them in their soul, sometimes these are like sweetened condensed milk.
You can only have just a little sip of it and it'll just go “boom” inside.
Here it is again.
Write this on a billboard.
Put it on your wall.
Make it your life mission.
This is the truth.
Even so, meaning according to the pattern of how God sent Christ into the world, don't get weird about it, even so have I also sent them into the world.
How did people receive Christ?
He came unto His own, and His own (boom) received Him not.
He was despised, rejected, Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.
We hid, as it were, our faces from Him.
Not everybody's going to love your personality.
Not everybody's going to appreciate you in the comments.
Not everybody's going to give you that thumbs up.
Not everybody's going to follow you on social.
In fact, Metta might not even like your personna. :)
Did you know you have about 600 to 800 different points of data
that define you in the metaverse up there because you are a person, a known entity to all the big mega social clubs out there and they know you're a believer.
They know it all.
Anyway, welcome to Team Jesus.
You're going to need power.
You're going to need equipment.
You're going to need a Guardian.
You're going to need assistance.
Let's just finish off the verse.
Help us.
Verse 19 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself.
Now why in the world would Jesus say He's sanctifying Himself?
He can't get any cleaner.
He can't get any more useful.
He can't get any more humble.
He can't get any more …
Everything He did was to please the Father, but there it is.
And for their sakes, maybe, so that we have a pattern, I sanctify Myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth.
That means saturate your soul in the Scripture.
Get some truth in you so that you can be a share-worthy conduit.
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also …
Oh, I'm part of the “them also.”
… for them also which shall believe on Me through their word.
Do you have people that shall believe on Me through their word?
Do you have people who are believers in Christ because you introduced them to Christ?
I want to be the recipient of the benefit of this prayer.
Christ is praying for me and for you.
He prays for them also which shall believe on Me …
through their word.
That's God's plan for world evangelism.
How are we going to get the gospel out?
“Through their word.”
Who's going to go with us?
God will help us.
How are we going to have power?
Give the gospel anyway.
Is everyone going to receive it?
Not. Everybody. Loves. You.
Just go with God, friend.
He goes with you.
That, now it's not a period there.
It says …
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also, which shall believe on Me through their word, that they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us, one in Us, one in Us, … connected to the Father, connected to the Son, all of Us, all the way, that the world may believe that thou hast sent Me.
How is the world going to believe that Jesus was sent to us by the Father?
Number one, through their word.
That means we are supposed to be word-flowing fountains filled and overflowing with content.
You got any content?
Are you carrying content?
Yes, it's inside of you.
And if it's not inside of you, it's inside the Scripture.
It needs to come through your vocal cords to someone else.
So the world will believe that the Father sent the Son to be the rescue plan for the world if we speak by God's help through our words,
And that we also act in harmony with this Lord's Prayer that there be unity.
Like, we need to come together as a team.
We need to be team-players together in one heart, one unity, where we all are marching to Zion in cadence, in a rhythm, all of us working together.
That harmony is inexplicable.
It's an evidence to the world that there's a Leader, there's a Captain.
How are all these people acting like they all know something together?
How do they have a hive mind?
Well, we have the mind of Christ.
We can resonate with the same frequency in our fellow brothers and sisters, and all of us are trying to live the gospel.
That the world may believe that thou hast sent Me.
And the glory which thou gavest Me, have I given them?
Have ye smelled and shared the glory recently, that they may be one, even as We are one, I in them, and thou in Me.
It's a really long, run-on sentence, but there's no dots.
It's just comma, colon, comma, comma, keeps going.
So let's back up to the beginning of the sentence, and we are going to land the plane, but let's land it just going 100 miles an hour.
And the glory which thou gavest Me have I given them.
I appreciate that.
Thank you for the gift.
That they may be one, even as We are One.
How are we doing?
Are we getting along with each other or are we fighting with our fellow teammates?
I in them and Thou in Me, that they may be
Made perfect in one.
Perfect in one.
Harmony of one accord.
One spirit.
One mind.
That's what church is supposed to be.
One body.
And that the world may know that thou hast sent Me.
He keeps saying that.
He wants the world to know that Thou hast sent Me.
Everybody ought to know … and hast loved them as Thou hast loved Me.
I need to be loved.
I need God to tell me He loves me.
Father, I will that they also whom Thou hast given Me be with Me where I am,
that they may behold My glory
which Thou hast given Me, for Thou lovest Me before the foundation of the world.
He's going back and He's kind of re-quoting what He said.
He said, hey Dad, remember when You and Me were together before We even made the world and there was like … max glow?
I want to go back to the max glow mode.
I want to just blow the doors off.
I want to glow so large that We don't even need the sun.
In fact, the Lamb is the Light in that city where there's no night.
We don't even need the sun anymore because we'll just
blow it up supernova glow, and I want these guys to be there and everyone that believes on Me through their word. I want them all to participate in that so they can see Me and You together in maximum glory just like We did before the foundation of the world. Oh righteous Father the world hath not known Thee … i think he had to say that with some
Tenor in His voice like this is just a sad thing.
Oh! righteous Father The world hath not known Thee!
I really wish they did even those idiot pharisees.
I wish they would know who My Dad is. Oh righteous Father the world hath not known Thee, but I have known Thee. And these have known that Thou hast sent Me.
We're on the same page, same frequency.
These are My witnesses.
These are My boys.
These are the guys that are going to carry the word to the end of the world.
They came on-mission, the Great Commission, and I have declared unto them Thy name.
Full reputation transfer and will declare it.
I'll keep on sharing through My Spirit, through the Holy Ghost that's coming.
That the love wherewith thou hast loved Me may be in them.
and I in Them.
Ultimate bouve!
The God of the universe wants to partner with you to get the gospel to the rest of the world.
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