
As the Truth is in Jesus #EndTimes

Stand for Truth or get off the field.

Just got locked out of our social media account due to not being verified through a matching phone number that's linked to a person so that they can track.

Soon they attach your person to your identity online for the purpose of assigning you a social credit score.

it is definitely coming that is the plan it's already running very smoothly in certain countries that are more totalitarian the purpose of the social credit score is to assign you a value of how much your voice can reach the purpose in the countries where this system is already implemented the score is designed intentionally

To Suppress the Truth, capital T. It's to elevate the voice of distraction and evil.

Anything but the Truth Himself, which Jesus called himself the Truth, capital T. He's the King of Truth.

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We're going to do a little Bible study on what the truth is and why the devil hates it.

There will be a full pure play evil accelerated here in these last few days and it makes me think of a couple Bible verses that hopefully were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I hope He comes along on this journey with us. Very soon your ID: your national ID will be tied to your social media ID and then anything you think or post or like or comment-on has an associated score that is attached to you personally.

And I’m asking you are going to stand strong on the side of Truth.

Right as we start, this simple prayer: Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Right? We are ready for liftoff. We are ready to launch.

Couple Bible verses about Truth:

Jude 1:18

Jude was pretty firey. He was the blood brother of Jesus. He knew God in the flesh. he says, How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.

What were they mocking?

They're Mocking the Truth and the Truth Tellers, the Gospel and the Gospel Givers.

2 Timothy 3.1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

Perilous Times Suppression

2nd Timothy 2nd Peter 3:3

knowing this first that there shall come in the last days scoffers [what are they laughing at what are they scoffing about what are they mocking and suppressing] walking after their own lusts.

They're gonna go towards the lust, and they're gonna mock and laugh and suppress and ridicule anyone who doesn’t go after their own list.

Does that sound like today?

And many shall follow their pernicious ways;

The majority, the vast majority of those on social …

by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

They will find the Truth and cast accusations. Evil speaking against the Truth.

Why? Because they chose the way of lust.

Dos this sound like #2024?

There are posts about truth on your social profile, perhaps, that are being censored, suppressed, lacking reach, and others cannot be shared because they do not meet the “community guidelines”, the “community standards”.

2 Timothy 3.8 points out two fellas, Jannes, what a wonderful name, Jannice, and Jambres withstood Moses.

So they knew who the man of God was. They knew who the source was; they went up and withstood him.

Same spirit today as these two guys …

so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

2 Timothy 3.8

Makes you want to do a YouTube post and get banned over there for sure.

Just reading off these verses.

Calling out the facts. Explaining what is happening. Opening up the eyes of the redeemed. The Darkness is getting gloriously dark.

Many ignore what they cannot believe is possible.

They will simply respond to the coming increase of evil with these words, “Surely not!”

“It could never get worse than this.”

Surely Not.

It could never get worse than this.

Well, let's just read Scripture and see if it'll wake us up.

Bible talks about those who have perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds.

Does that sound like the trolls in your comments?

Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth.

So as we proclaim truth, into the Darkness Truth … there are some who are destitute of the truth: completely innocuous completely unable to process truth just destitute of the truth. It could not be more beautifully worded. Satan hates this fact": there is a God who according to first Timothy 2:4 says:

Who will have all men to be saved

Rescued From Pending Doom.

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Now, how are they going to come unto the knowledge of the truth unless the knowledge is presented either in writing, verbally, visually, articulated, explained, expressed?

The knowledge of the truth is transmitted through words, and words today are transmitted on a screen.

God, here it is, 1 Timothy 2.4, memorize this, put it on the back door in your bedroom, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

There's no room for improvement there.

Satan hates that.

That's why we should all be participating in helping men to come unto the knowledge of the Truth that through the Truth they might understand the Way of salvation.

Amen and Amen in the comments.

These are people who are frolicking in the fields of entertainment right up to the edge of the cliff of destruction.


They Might All Be Damned Who Believed Not the Truth But Had Pleasure in Unrighteousness, 2 Thessalonians 2:12.

So here the option, the reason why they resist and they receive not the love of the truth is because they chose pleasure in unrighteousness.

They said, this is fun.

I would rather enjoy these movies and this social media and laugh at these things because that way it'll be a distraction away from receiving the love …

of the truth and the truth is in Jesus.

The Truth is a Person.

The Truth is transformational.

The Truth gets in your face.

The Truth demands a verdict.

The Truth tells you to make a decision.

We'll get there we'll get there.

Just composing a quick outline.

Maybe the Holy Spirit will help fire it up.

This is our responsibility as believers.

It says, but speaking the truth in love.

Now the truth is not a baseball bat.

The truth is supposed to provide comfort and relief and alleviation.

It's a fix.

It's a problem solver.

The Bible says that we as believers are compelled, but speaking the truth in love … as the truth is in Jesus.

Speak Every Man Truth with His Neighbor.

Today that would mean speak every man truth with “your contacts”.

For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth.

All of that is in Ephesians 4.

Same chapter.

That means there's gonna come a day when we stand against evil and we have our inner core being girt-about with truth ready to withstand the onslaught of evil.
We have spoken the truth in love, we recognize the source of truth is only in Jesus, we're speaking the truth every man with his neighbor, this is a brilliant biblical four-point outline, and number four we put on the truth it's so deeply into our bones it's ever interwoven into our structure …

So that we have it on as the armor of God and we're ready for those who resist and refuse and will not hear the truth.

We are still proclaiming it courageously with tears, compassionately compelling people to please listen to the truth one last time.

Here's what the Bible says.

Please listen to it with your spiritual ears on.

Here it is.

For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.


That's awesome, right?

The truth is the dynamite power.

You just drop that little seed of powder in somebody's heart and the truth bomb goes boom!

For we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth.

If you're on the side of truth, an old school preacher now in heaven used to say it this way, “The Truth crushed to earth shall rise again.”

If your truth cannot get you banned on any of today's major social platforms, it might not be God's complete truth.

Because this world is not a friend to grace to help us unto God.

This world is viciously opposed to the Truth and they will tell you to your face that the Truth will not transform them.

Because Truth Compels a Response Toward Christ.

The Bible wants us to be conformed to the image of Christ and He is the Truth.

Conforming to Christ is Truth.

Refusing to conform to Christ is non-truth.

It's anti-truth.

Truth demands a decision.

It places a two-edged sword right down the middle of your face and it asks you to, you are required to adjust to the left … or to the right.

You have to get out of the way of the sword of Truth or it will split you right in half.

You cannot avoid Truth: you can only chose to accept or reject.

There is no pause. You will move left / right. That is Truth: it compels you to make a choice.

2 Cor 6:7 By the word of truth, by the power of God

By the Armour of Righteousness

Now, why do you need armor unless you're going to war?

Why would you need protection unless your enemy is serious?

You don't put on armor unless you know there's weapons coming at you.

You wouldn't put on a bulletproof vest unless you knew you were gonna get hit, right?

Back it up then.

Here's how we prepare in the last days, 2 Corinthians 6 verse 7, by the word of truth.

Is it in you?

by the power of God, not the power of man, not the power of intellect, not the power of personality, not the power of anything, but by the power of God, which normally works through simple, humble, available humans.

By the word of truth, amen.

By the power of God, amen.

By the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left.

God's Just Getting Warmed Up.

He says, by evil report and good report.

Now, that's how they're going to respond to the truth.

Some people are going to give you an evil report for speaking the truth, and some people will give you a good report card for speaking the truth.

As deceivers, this is in the phrasing, that means you will be accused of being a deceiver.

If you present the truth, they will say, “Oh, that's deception.

You're not presenting the whole truth.

That's the wrong source of truth.”


Be Ready to Be Accused of Being a Deceiver and Yet True.

It says, we will be called deceivers and yet we're speaking the truth.

… as not approved by community standards and yet unknown.

It says in this verse, it says, we will be as unknown.


Who's unknown?

That means shadow-banned, a limited influence blocked by metta

Unable to Rise, Lacking Reach, You Are Unknown, Your Reputation Has Very Little Influence, You Are Unknown and Yet Well Known.

And yet well known!

Instagram can't suppress all of us; it can't delete every single one of us. There's millions of Han millions of truth lovers and we can break it through and overwhelm the algorithm, according to the Bible in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 it says as unknown and yet well known!

Take courage my dear friend continue to post for Christ.

… as sorrowful it's gonna hurt and as

yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich.

We don't do this for personal gain we do this for God's gain and God's glory we elevate we lift up Him and He gets the smile!

… as having nothing and yet possessing all things!

Ame, the evil has not yet begun to suppress with all their might; they're just getting warmed up, and we need to get warmed up. We need to go to practice; if you knew you had an MMA match with the devil coming up, you'd better stretch out ,you better get mentally and emotionally prepared.

Here's how we do it; this is [I don't know the reference but it's a scripture says] but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God

in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, that means lacking the basics. in distresses, in stripes [whoa hey what are we talking about? This is the next level; these guys endured hardship on a physical level. Stripes like you know, ripping of skin on the back.] … in imprisonments

You better declare a side.

I would rather go to prison for Christ than not be known as a Christ-lover and a truth-proclaimer.

If it's going to come down to prison for the truth tellers, you better sign me up for that prison jubilee.

Declare a side.

In tumults, that's coming.

In labors, do you work for the truth?

In watchings,

In fastings, by Pureness.

You know what lights on fire the best?

That which is pure fuel.

By pureness.

By knowledge.

You know, knowledge shared is knowledge squared.

Knowledge of what?

Knowledge of the truth.

By knowledge.

By longsuffering.

When you deliver the truth, sometimes you just have to wait for it to germinate.

By kindness.

You don't have to be rude one hundo; let the Holy Spirit take some of the edge off.

… by the Holy Ghost Here's how we deliver the truth: by love unfeigned not faking it. People can smell if you genuinely want their absolute best.

… by the word of truth there it is this is how we rescue the next generation we deliver by pureness, by knowledge

by kindness this is a huge awesome list and it's a combination; this is the ingredient list: by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of Truth, by the power of God

Triple Exclamation Point.

If you put all those layers in your cake, you are going to be validated.

It says at the beginning of this phrase, but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God.

So those who are approved by God as his ministers, humble servants to carry forth His Truth.

Let's back up the list, read it in reverse.

These folks will have the power of God on their life.

They will have the word of truth flowing through their being.

They will have the love unfakeable.

Love Unfeigned.

They will have the Holy Ghost.

They will be kind with kindness.

They will exude longsuffering.

They will have knowledge.

And they will be pure pureness.

This will help them endure fasting and watching and labor and tumults and imprisonments and stripes and distresses, lacking necessities in afflictions, with much patience.

These are the approved ministers of Christ in these last times. Amen.

Well, better just post a sermon somewhere, right?

Maybe Substack will allow Scripture content for now.

We should wake up the warriors.

It's the end time.

Christ is on the way.

The trumpet sound is getting warmed up.

The flower boys stay home.

The wimpy warriors stay in bed, cuddle up.

But those who want to declare the truth in love with their hearts on fire and be on the Lord's... Who is on the Lord's side?

Let him come unto me.

2 Timothy 4, chapter 4.

Are you ready?

Get your seatbelt on, get your pen out, write this down, get your highlighter flipped, your King James Bible open to 2 Timothy 4.

The time is at hand.

Remember in Revelation, the angel said to John, get ready to write, buddy, for the time.

He didn't say it that way, but he said it.

The time is at hand.

I want to ask you in your spirit, if God will validate to you, is this our time?

Described in 2nd Timothy chapter 4.

You ready Timothy?

Let's go on this adventure.

Let's see if it applies.

I charge thee

Somebody needs to get in our face and charge us.

I charge I challenge you.

I dare you I encourage you with strong words.

I charge thee therefore before God, and before the Lord Jesus Christ who

Aye-aye Captain!

I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ the Commander of our faith ready?

Preach the word! Preach the word. Now what is the word? It's the Truth.

Preach the word of truth, be instant

Ready, drop the hat: in season out of season do what with the word?

Reprove prove to people again that right is right and wrong is wrong


Kindly, Gently, Sweetly, Patiently, Consistently.

Tell them this is the wrong way.


Exhort, which means to build up, to edify, to add, to exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine.

Doctrine must be pure and it must be straight from the Bible.

The word doctrine simply means teaching.

That's all.

That's all it means.


Preach the Word.

There it is again.

Be instant, in season.


But Watch Thou in All Things, Endure Afflictions.

Do the work of an evangelist.

An evangel brings the evange.

They bring tidings of great joy.

They bring the good news.

They're the declaration of truth.

Do the work of delivering the truth on the platform available today, which is social media.

Make Full Proof of Thy Ministry.

Meaning don’t be a pervert that just fizzles out, and loses validation. And God gave you a list for how to validate your ministry.

Then he says:

I am now ready to be offered

as a sweet-smelling sacrifice to go, I'm ready, I'm ready to go meet my Jesus.

I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.

Notice he didn't make it all about himself first.

I charge thee therefore before God, and before the Lord Jesus Christ and then also somebody's gotta fill these shoes.

This great man of God was going off into glory land he says, “You Timothy take up my mantle! You carry forward the work! If you know anybody that's carried and broadcasted the truth with love and kindness and sweetness and gentleness and compassion and clarity and purity … you fit those shoes. You go to their closet and you get their mantel andyou pick it up and you carry the Truth forward to the next generation.

Somebody’s gotta do it, right now!

Somebody’s gotta be able to use their phone to reach this generation with the Truth of God that’s been still on fire from the previous generation.

I have fought a good fight

But I'm done, Timothy.

It's your turn.

I'm Paul.

I'm hanging up the coat.

I'm ready to depart.

I'm ready to be offered.

The time of my departure is at hand.

I'm getting on the plane.

I'm lifting up the glory.

I have fought a good fight.

Here's my gloves.

Take over, Timothy.

Get back in the ring.

I have finished my course … now you finish for me!

I have kept the faith … you carry the faith!

Henceforth there's laid up for me a crown of righteousness. Timothy go after the same crown … which the Lord the righteous Judge so give me at that day

We have the same Commander Who's the Rewarder; he says if you carry the crown of righteousness, doing right, fighting the good fight, teaching preaching the truth:

The Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, Timothy, he can give the same thing to you, but unto all them also that love His appearing.

Love His appearing.

He's coming soon.

Will he find you broadcasting?

Will he find you lit up?

Will he find you glowing with truth?

Will you be banned from social media for being a lover of Christ?

Are you a declaration station for the truth?

Is the Scripture so saturated in your soul and your bones and your voice that you have to compassionately compel the world to trust the Savior?

Do you know the truth?

The truth shall MAKE you free.

It produces freedom.

It doesn't just set you free.

It MAKES you continually, constantly walk in freedom.

Christ is the truth.

He is the gospel.

Let's all be sharing it.

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