God cannot be exhausted.
Though we think upon Him a thousand years, yet the exploration continues.
He alone gets to say who He is.
By definition, God must be the Supreme Being.
Please pause to ponder: the highest being is God.
Therefore, the highest thought is considering God.
Therefore, the highest good action … must include God.
Therefore, energy spent ignoring God cannot be supremely valuable activity.
The highest part of our day is imagining God and interweaving our being with His, in communion called prayer.
God is so much greater than the sunshine, in that He will shortly replace the need for the sunshine with Himself. How cool is that? :)
There is no truly higher purpose than direct connection with the one true God.
A day with God is immeasurably more beneficial than any numbers of days without him.
Humans could not exist without God.
The great Creator holds our soul in life. He retains and sustains the spark of life inside our being at His whim.
God, by His very definition cannot have or allow any equal.
An individual aspiring to ascend to Deity status, will find himself cast out … and that for the best of motives. Because God does not allow competition just for His humor. But instead God retains singular supremacy for the benefit of us all. There can be no God but one.
All false substitutes will be revealed in short order.
The highest aspiration in human cognizance is fixating on the personality and purpose of God.
There is no higher level.
There is no higher experience apart from uniting with God’s purpose for my particular design.
Harmonizing with God is healthy.
Resistance is ridiculous.
One cannot simply make … themselves.
I am not commissioned as a co-creator in this realm. God does not welcome me up to co-creator level of involvement.
100% of the mentions of the words create or created or Creator in Scripture, are singularly focused on God alone. Never does God share the act of creating with humans. He is the exclusive Creator. [Regardless of how YouTube stole the word in reference to people who arrange content.]
God is the biggest thinker. God’s thoughts so far supremely surpass our own, that we cannot fully comprehend them.
God cannot be elevated above what He deserves. God cannot be over-praised. One cannot esteem God higher than His rightful position.
God must be pure. If proven impure, then He has abrogated His throne.
God must communicate. A non-communicative God is an absentee father. God cannot long derelict His duty and delight to communicate with us. Temporary silence is not God’s normal state.
God expresses love. The upmost unfathomable immeasurable expression of love must be through God. God Himself ripped His own inner being apart to provide payment for the separation I deserve. The Father separated from the Son so that I could be united with the Father.
God develops plans. The best potential outcomes are aligned with God’s intention. Discovering and acting upon clearly-expressed Divine plans sparks great joy along this earthly experience.
God provides freedom. Measurable boundaries of freedom. God is not oppressive. God does however, protect us from self-destructive tendencies. God delights in providing many positive, righteous pathways of acceptable action.
God rewards. God is the most excellent accountant. He diligently records every acceptable action and notates the heart-motive that fueled each action. God joyfully gives abundant rewards to those who choose Him. The rewarding nature of our Master does not necessarily coincide with our expectation of reality regarding timeline and amount paid. But trust that He will reward, according to His better timing, and at His better pay-scale.
God avenges justice. All will be made right in due time. Yes, the Judge of all the earth will judge rightly.
God cannot change. God cannot be subverted, nor His aura punctured with tainted motives, that hint of evil.
God is not pressed for time. Time is simply His tool.
God stabilizes reality. Left to ourselves, all of nature would come unwound, according to the laws of entropy and decay. But God Himself holds every molecule and droplet in cohesion to allow reality to exist. Colossians 1:17 And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.
Science cannot account for the continuance of motion at the anatomical and chemical levels. Naturally, there should ensue disarray and chaos. Except God … God maintains the order He began. Were God to release His supervision and preservation at the smallest level, the outcome would be massive. 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a GREAT noise, and the elements shall melt with FERVENT heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
God deserves attention. We do not properly yet assign time or energy toward Him. Our rebellious nature revolts at the concept of worship. Yet He alone is deserving of honor because He is the singular supreme, Source of all good things, including oxygen and intelligence, and every positive experience and enjoyable relationship and all manner of delicious food and this life experience is permitted by Him.
“Though He be not far from every one of us: for in Him we live, and move, and have our being” Acts 17.
Pondering upon God is powerful.
Thinking properly upon His true identity, and His will in the form of actionable instructions, brings glorious results. Thinking about God is inviting Him to participate in our otherwise meager existence. We can do nothing completely or very well apart from His infusion of partnership.
God thinks of me infinitely more than I of Him. His thoughts are 10,000 times multiple my own. I think about God sometimes, even while He thinks about me eternally. Smiley face right there. “For Thou hast possessed my reins … How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!” Double exclamation points!! “If I should count them [the number of Your precious thoughts upon me], they are more in number than the sand” Psalm 139.
God delights in me. Psalm 37:4
“Delight thyself ALSO in the LORD;”
Key-in on that reciprocal word “also.” Here’s the meaning unboxed:
Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He [God] delighteth in his way.
Proverbs 3:12 For whom the LORD loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
God delights in me so I should respond with similar delight in Him.
Proverbs 3:6, In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
One cannot think about God too much, for such thoughts purify, and multiply righteous actions.
Meditating on God provides unexplainable escape from lesser stresses. It’s like a portal to another world.
God being the Supreme Being … and we being un-disconnectable from His loving gaze … we best spend the best part of our days delighting in Him.
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