Simple Gospel Podcast
Simple Gospel Podcast
Lyfting up the gospel: spontaneous spark
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -9:01

Lyfting up the gospel: spontaneous spark

Interviewing the Lyft driver

Alright, do I have your permission to record this?

I'd like to do a live impromptu interview.

We've had a really good discussion on the way, right?


So, you mentioned a little something about God and the Gospel and the Bible.

Do you mind if we have a quick pop quiz about that?

Let's go.

Not really a quiz, just a back and forth banter.

Just to talk.

We're just throwing it down.

We've got a couple minutes till we get to the airport.

So I'm going to throw out a word and we'll just see what happens, right?

So I'm just going to say “gospel” and I'm going to say go.

Your turn.

What do you think about the gospel?


What do I think about the gospel?

I think that the gospel is true.

I think that the message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is true.

I think that He's a gracious and merciful God and I love Him.


That sounds really authentic, organic, and genuine.

That's good.

So, I'm a wordsmith.

I love words.

I like etymology.

I like roots.

I like deep meaning and structure to life because really how we connect with God, how we connect with others, and how we connect with ourselves comes down to the nuances of the meanings of words, right?

We've got to inspire other people to see the meaning so that they can believe it.

So I love the word gospel.

I like the concept gospel.

I'd like to shift gears into my natural gift, which might be a curse, which is just persuasion, salesmanship, right?

So I'd like to persuade you in just these couple minutes we have left about the value of considering possibly starting your own gospel podcast.

Sounds crazy already.

I know.

So what's your first impression?


My First Impression of Starting My Own Gospel Podcast?

Well, first off, that's a positive thing.

So whenever the talk would have to come up about starting a podcast, you would ask yourself those questions of what would it be about? And what better message to talk about to communicate people than the gospel of Jesus Christ. So there’s no negative thing that can come from that.

Nothing negative! Some people might resist or reject, but it’s really just positive because you gave them the opportunity.


Now the persuasion begins.

So you already believe this stuff, which is super fun.

So do you think the gospel has lasting value?

It's kind of a trick question.

It's a funny question, but do you think the gospel has lasting value?


Well, so that's why I'm laughing.

Obviously you're doing the same.

One thing that, you know, growing up in church what I've always learned and what I've always known is that, you know, that heaven and earth shall pass away, but, you know, one thing will never pass away and that's God's Word.

So, I definitely believe that the gospel is lasting.


Do you think there is a lack of curiosity in the world about the concept of the gospel?

Or do you think people are open to hearing it?


Well, more so in these days, you know, the Bible talks about in the last days how people, you know, will ignore the truth.

They'll be, you know, the truth will kind of be looked at, looked upon as being a bad thing.

So I kind of, sort of, kind of, in a way, look at it as both.

But I would most, if I have to lean towards one, I would say people are, just really don't care.


They don’t care. They’re a little bit ambivalent.

Just tuned It Out.

Do you think that with your spice, your personality, your unique flavor combination that was gifted to you from on high, that you could bring awareness, alertness, and that there would be some innocent folks out there who would resonate with your delivery style, your taste, and that you could bring the noise, I mean bring the message in a way that a certain spectrum of our wonderful world might be open to reception?


Every single day before I press my foot on this pedal, my prayer to God is to use me for Your glory.

So, absolutely, I could most definitely persuade someone.

And I want God to use me as a vessel.


So, absolutely.



Now, the word gospel, it's a deep topic, and I'm going to give you the five points of the gospel.

Number one, you have to have a God to be in the gospel.

I know that sounds silly.

I believe, and this is a little bit of an overdraft statement, but that 80% of understanding the gospel is simply knowing an accurate definition of who God is.

Once I know who He is, it's almost a done deal that I'm going to need the gospel.

Because point two is my, … who I am compared to God.

So in this gospel podcast, just for general content overview, number one is the identity of God Himself.

And then number two is the identity of myself compared to God, which there's not a whole lot of comparison.

I say that distance, that distance of definition between who He is and who I am, that's sin.

That's the problem.

That's why I need salvation.

Of course there’s the penalty. We don’t want to argue about the penalty. Essentially, it’s a BIG penalty …

which only can be PAID by One Person.

Somebody’s got a pay it, and I can’t pay it.

  1. God

  2. Me

  3. Consequence

  4. Payment

It can't be me.

That's what a lot of religion gets wrong out there is you just got to be a good boy and do right and contribute and help out and just hope for the best and maybe you'll get forgiven in the end or Allah will snap his fingers or something.

And then number five is personal participation.

I have to do something with all that knowledge because a lot of people like to banter around.

They like to kind of keep the gospel in their brain, but not put it in their heart.

But a person who embraces the gospel, they get infused with the fullness.

They get something of God moves inside.

There is a definite evidence that faith transaction transpired and they get lit on fire!

The word …

Power: Scripture says the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

That word power is our word for Dynamite. Dynamos. It means something just blows up in your heart.

It causes the presence of salvation, the knowledge of salvation, and the transmission of salvation.

Those people who say that they contain the gospel … really can't hold on to it because it's a ballistic mess wanting to explode.

That's like saying, “I have oxygen, but I'm not willing to share any with you.”

So anyway, if I just gave you two quick points on how to start a gospel podcast, I would say number one, do exactly what you're doing.

Ask God to give you guidance for who you can be a blessing to each day.

And... Oh, you want the number two?

I want you to respond to that one.

Oh, okay.

What did you think about that first one?


Can you repeat that?


Just exactly what you do.

Your “foot pedal prayer.”

Before you put your foot on the pedal, ask God for you to bring glory to Him and be a blessing to the right people today.

Whatever that prayer is, you continue to pray that.

And then you're just saying, God, I'm praying the prayer and now I'm trying to put it into action.


And number two, you need to invest in a microphone. :)

Super simple.

Just a little plug-in guy.

I know that sounds really practical.

I know you’re doing Lyft runs.

So you have to run your Lyft app through your main phone while driving. But you could get some alternative gear.

If you just get a little microphone like this guy here, he takes out all the pops and the bursts and whatever. It's got to be like a lavaliere, like a little wireless do-jigger.

You can get like a super duty awesome one for about 130 bucks. Where your person you're interviewing can likewise have a copy and everything gets recorded super smooth.

{ See Fulaim X5 reviews on YouTube }


My aunt actually has a podcast. It's called “The Ladies of Wisdom.” She is

A Great Motivator.

It's typically kind of geared towards women, but she's a... You gotta have a niche.

You know, she's a Christian woman and she's deeply rooted in her faith and her salvation.

It means everything to her.


So, I would... If I had to start a podcast, I think I already have the name for it.

Good, good.




I got a branding expert.

She can take you across the line.

Man, she's good. She asks you like 15 questions and she will extract that brand color right out of you … It's pretty kicking.

All right.

Thank you, sir.

Oh, you're very welcome!


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