O Dear God, please give me the right Spirit.
If you have a burning message: burn it out.
If you have a divine commission: commish.
If you have the SALVATION message: messagize.
If you know the true King, please sing about Him! Even if the rest of us know you’re off-key. We will still smile. :)
If you have something to share, please do so.
We cannot contain. The content is too valuable. We cannot hold within our being so great a story.
If you must publish, at least light your soul on fire first. Bring your everything plus God.
If you’re going to live once, erupt with disruption.
If the gospel be true, then every day declare it.
If the gospel is ONLY for the select 13% of the world population who identify as being truly born again … then please be quiet. Because that’s not good enough.
If God be true, and every man by comparison, of course is a liar, then let’s hear more about this God Who is True.
Amazed beyond words at people who claim to believe something, yet do little or nothing.
If one can scroll through your social media history for more than one year without any mention of the clear gospel of Christ … what evidence is there of your relationship? What is your publicly posted relationship-status with Christ looking like? Hmmm.
People sure intake a lot of data nowadays. We are wide-open for reception. Steady stream of content on our screens. Streaming, streaming. Screen time is off the charts.
Staring. Consuming.
How do I evaluate which content is worthy of sharing with my friends and the world? Based on my intestines? A gut feeling? Based on my emotional composition in that moment? Based on a trendy belief? Are things I share just designed to make others laugh (which, that’s great)? Of all the content I intake … do I share 2% … of what I see?
Probably less than 2%, really.
Who takes the time to author content anymore?
It seems the vast majority of humanity is too busy consuming content. Brain gelatinously neutralized by video feed. Progress neutralized by twisted humor.
Who diligently processes words, and makes them compelling anymore? Joe Rogan streams steady conversations several hours daily. Kind of rare though, right? I mean how many of your friends broadcast a podcast? Two?
So it’s either a lack of worthy content. Or a lack of … what?
Why don’t more people broadcast?
Let’s look at the mathematical ratio of content-producers compared to content-consumers. Out of 10 average people, how many of those are consistent content producers on some platform? Not just fluff; solid content. Example: in your network of real friends, can you think of the guy who generates funny or meaningful memes at a steady flow? At least once a week he kick out something relevant, with personality. Original. Not just copy-and-paste. But actual, organic inspiration … sourced from that guy.
Are we as a people, producing less content?
Substack is supposed to be a free and independent thought platform curated for writing words. Do we have words worthy of sharing? Humm.
How is our brain functioning? Is the education system really inspiring us to stir-up mental function, merged with our soul and spirit to positively impact our fellow man?
What’s a good thought that you immersed your heart and mind and soul in for at least five minutes recently …. and then you shut everything off and had to think … and after thinking, you just had to write?
Are we producers?
Are we supposed to be generating content?
The ideal, fully-mature graduate of basic life-skills … should that individual be a producer and a share-er of decent-quality material on a consistent basis?
Are we becoming less productive?
What did you produce intellectually in the last 24 hours?
“Well, I can’t really think of anything.” But you can. Think. That is.
Unplug the necks-flicks that are flicking the neurons and training the neural-cranium-cortice highways inside your cerebral universe, and hook up jumper cables to spiritual words. Clip each handle, one on each earlobe. Crank the dial until you feel a charge.
Try reading Heaven words until your heart burns.
Find the Fire afresh!
When your tear ducts start working again, that would be a good indicator.
In a recent survey, 94.4% chose Hallmark movies over navigating Habakkuk.
Producers. Are we?
Consumers. Of what? For whom?
Should there be a healthy balance.
Are we becoming like the Dead Sea.
99% inbound. No outlet.
Stagnant, stale, salty.
“I know a lot of stuff.” Cool. And then …? Helping anybody with that intel?
Does your heart beat right?
Inbound —> outbound.
Do your lungs pump right?
Inbound –> outbound.
Do your eyes flow right?
Intake –> empathy.
Lamentations 3:51 “Mine eye affecteth mine heart because of all the daughters of my city.” He saw spiritual oppression, and that vision affected his heart.
Mark 6:34 “And Jesus, when He came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a Shepherd: and He began to teach them many things.”
Let’s get out there.
See the humans.
Visit the city.
He saw much people.
The result: moved with compassion.
Another result: began to teach them many things.
Yet we don’t teach.
Low compassion, perhaps?
Low vision, possibly?
Not getting out there, maybe?
“Well, I’m not a teacher-type.”
Maybe it’s time.
Who is affirming that excuse?
Stop affirming apathy.
Hebrews 5:12 “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, …”
You had all kinds of time.
Waiting till when to step-up?
Next decade?
Waiting for the world to get worse?
Are there no students hungry to hear?
Is there no content worthy of conveyance?
“I’ve got nothing worthy of teaching.” Is that what you’re saying?
“That’s not my personality.” Let’s translate that into: “I’m too scared.”
The Holy Spirit can help.
What happens when you download the audio Bible app and stream the pure King James English into your spirit, like an open fire hydrant, while asking the Author Himself to help the words come alive inside you? You’re not supposed to understand the Bible without a Helper. It’s not just brain food, it’s Spirit food. Both actually.
Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
We’re going to highlight some words.
Dwell … richly.
Dipped in chocolate.
Saturated in the substance.
Soaked in the spiritual.
Let. Means allow. Give permission. Welcome access. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Stop trying to twist it. Just let it happen. Undiluted. Straight. Concentrated. Uncut.
What are the supernatural results?
Lat (misspelled for emphasis) … Lat the word of Christ dwell in you in all wisdom: teaching … boom! Right out of the box. All of a sudden the wisdom gets transferred.
Did you see those two words right together? wisdom: teaching. This is too good to hold onto. I let the word of Christ, Who IS wisdom dwell in me, and all of a sudden supernaturally, I am admonishing and encouraging and teaching and passing-along said wisdom from Christ over to another human being. How did that happen? Let. Let it happen. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teacher.
“I’m not a teacher.” Maybe you’re not richly. Dwelling richly much?
Stop with the excuses.
Let the riches saturate your soul from Christ.
Are you a benefit to others? What does it mean to admonish? Does your presence uplift others?
Let’s enjoy the word flow. Little word study here.
Let dwell: means inhabit influence. Giving permission for influence to move in. We are allowing the influence of those we dwell around.
Hmmm. Them there is show-stopping words.
What should we let dwell?
Word of Christ …. whole lot better than anything else. Gotta better source? Better content? Is there a better channel? Should we keep on scrolling? Or should we pause … at the word of Christ.
How dwelling?
In you richly.
Hmmm. Abundantly. Kind of overwhelming. Little bit of overflow. Somebody shut the tub off please. There’s about to be some spillage.
Implies time invested. Marinated. Saturated. Soaked in it.
In all wisdom.
The word wisdom here is “Sophia” in Greek. Meaning filled with a broad-assortment of intelligence; useful knowledge of very diverse matters. Full-spectrum skill in the management of life events. :-) (the definition continues … )
Sophia: approaching unto, and pondering, even the Supreme Intelligence belonging only unto God, which is multiple times higher and broader and deeper, beyond the capacity of any mere mortal.
Did you have something better to think upon?
Rehearsing the versing: let, dwell, richly, words, wisdom (boom) teaching. (Do you see the boom there?) It means there’s sufficient content absorbed to burst through the barrier. The boom happens. If we let it. Let … the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom (boom) teaching.
Have you had your daily boom?
“Well, I am just a student.” For how long though? At what grade-level? Do you have aspiration to graduate? Be a boomer, a bombastic (boom) teacher of wisdom NOT your own.
Here’s God’s four steps to spiritual maturity and graduation. Step one: let. As in, let the word of Christ dwell in you is all wisdom, (boom) teaching and admonishing. Let, Word, Dwell, Richly.
Only those who spend time “letting” have content sufficiently-qualified for teaching. :)
Teaching … didaskō … delivering didactic discourses :)
(Ooo you so smawt.)
Nope. I just let. I let the word of Christ dwell in me richly, and I took a steam sauna in this verse. Trying to extract that wisdom. So it’s just kind of leaking out of me now. I’m perspiring wisdom, not my own, for sure.
Teaching means imparting, instilling, simply passing-along … the thing you enjoyed. “Did you enjoy it? Well, tell me about it!”
(Maybe look it up in the Blue Letter Bible app. Find the word. Then tap Interlinear.)
I’m admonishing you to be curious about admonishing somebody. Be useful. Figure out what admonishing means. We are mature Christians. We let Christ dwell in us and other people can tell … that in which … we dwell. We be smelling like our indwelling. :)
And admonishing. Oh, it sounds positive. I’d like to admonish somebody. I just have no idea what it means, so I’ll have to look it up. Well I hope you will then.
So you’re saying that only spiritually-mature, soul-saturated, Christ-in-dwelt, grown-up believers are organically out-flowing with positive admonition to encourage other people? Yeah, I’d rather be in that category, than be a kindergartener for life.
Do you know what church is? It’s kinda like one guy standing up, saying “I spent some time dwelling with Jesus and yeah … we should all spend time with Jesus. Because it’s pretty cool, you know. Wisdom. He’s just better. Better than anything I got.”
Believers in Christ produce the amount of helpful content reflectionary of the amount of time spent dwelling in Christ, and in His wisdom.
Let it happen.
Schedule seasons of saturation.
Download Bible.is and hook up the fire-hydrant hose to the right side of your face and just clean out all the junk. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly …
Helpful content will naturally outflow then. :)
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