Simple Gospel Podcast
Simple Gospel Podcast
Ideas for Reaching the World's Largest City
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -8:49

Ideas for Reaching the World's Largest City

Everyone should answer this question.

Reddit Question:

How are we going to bring the gospel to the biggest city in the world?

That's the headline.

[Long pause to process.

Two more seconds.

And here's the caption.]

Sometimes the Apostle Paul started in the synagogues first and worked his way to the Gentiles and other times he was a simple tent maker and built relationships with people in that city while also making a living for himself.

What if I told you that you already live in the largest city in the world?

One that includes more than 60% of the world population.

This city

is The Internet.

My question to you today is what is the best way to bring the gospel to the internet?


Possible musings of the beginning of an answer … which I believe every Christian school student and every Bible-believing college student and everyone who attends church, every pastor, every leader, every deacon, every mother,

every child who believes in Jesus should write an answer to this question.

And I'd like to adjust the question slightly.

I'm only going to change one word and it's in the last sentence.

What is the best way to bring the gospel through the internet?

Not to the internet, but through the internet.

So I did adjust it slightly.

Alright, here's just the beginning of a possible answer … which you, please, need to write your answer, your homework.

Pray about it.

Think about it.

Write down at least one sentence.

But here's just some general thoughts:

The internet appears to be a shrinking bastion of free will expression.

The comptrollers who think they've been given authority to regulate messaging on all platforms, including texting, are gaining austerity and implementing fresh regulations at the government and above the government level to reduce messages that do not comply with their stated agenda.

We are not many years out from a China-style control of our access and interactions inside

The City of Internet World.

Therefore, knowing that our time is short and that most people spend the majority of their days consuming content through their mobile screen, we ought to all the more courageously proclaim the transformational gospel message by all means personally and urgently, including video clips,

because people veg out to videos.

Stories, which is a short video.

A reel, which is a short video.


Transformational testimonies are unavoidable.

Gospel Scripture.

Make sure the gospel includes the gospel, the Scripture.

Presenting the key points of the gospel.

If you only have a short time, talk about one of these five.

Number one, who is God?

Two, the nature of sin.

Three, separation. What we deserve.

Four, the Savior.

Five, personal acceptance.

We must believe.

We could even use memes.

Consider printed tracts, but personalized with your family and your face so they don't instantly go in the garbage as trash mail.

Include your faith journey.

Websites personally dedicated to gospel distribution using logical and emotional persuasion techniques. Statistics, stories.

Consistent publication of content; be the canon or the fire hydrant of the gospel.

Add a passionate love for Christ and concern for the lost, genuine compassion.

Explain how the Christ of Christianity is pure.

Because many people have a tainted perception, a mis-definition of what Christianity is.

Christianity is Christ.

He's the solution.

It's not the followers.

It's not our method of following.

It's Him.

The gospel is simple.

Confusion and Corruption Attack the Gospel.

Let's peel off the fluffy mess that attaches worldliness to modern Christian trends that confuse the lost world.

Let's stay saturated in the books of Acts and Romans [and just stick with the King James Bible, please, until you can prove that you're smarter than all the centuries and decades of time that God used His pure words to accomplish His purpose.

Are we better now that there's muddling and muck and just fluffy marshmallow sugar words?

Just go back to what has proven to work and stop messing with it, please.]

Grow your network.

Everyone Contributing Their Gifts and Skills as the Complete Body of Christ is Intended to Function.

Encourage and highlight believers who are doing something to make the gospel message clear.

Think beyond the box.

While we can still send somewhat-private text messages, while we can still access Telegram and Signal.

How do people share their faith or Bibles in China or other communist locked-down nations where witnessing is technically illegal and enforced by the police?

Don't be a wimp.

Don't just unplug from church and give up because you know something's coming.

Be activated.

Join up.

Participate in the gospel.

Declare today whose side you're on.

Appreciate the gospel.

Let the gospel loose like a lion.

Believe in the dynamite power of the message.

Plant the seed and watch the boom.

Leverage the power of multiplication.

You can generate interest in a gospel article by allowing Ai to draft a recommendation article which will drive traffic from various social platforms to your gospel podcast.

Have a presence on multiple platforms employing remote workers on UpWork at a reasonable wage in their country.

Download UpWork.

Put the gospel in clear and compelling format on a single focus website that is gospel only and easy to share with strangers. Such as:

Select a domain that you can say four words or less that flows.

Add the human touch.

Make the gospel personal again.

Get involved by first asking God for a passion for participation.

Want to want to.

If your want to is low, ask God to turn up the dial.

Ask for fire.

There were 120, all gathered together in unity in the upper room praying and waiting for the Promise of the fire power from on high to descend and light up their local world with the glowing tongue of the glorious gospel.

When the people got the Holy Ghost, the gospel went out.

It wasn't some language not understandable.

It says,

Mesopotamia, Cretes, and Arabians, we do all hear and believe in our own language the marvelous message of God.

They heard the truth.

The miracle was in the hearing.

And the power was in the declaring.

Be on the team.

Let God flow through you.

Be on the team that sees the most action happening.

If you're on a dead team, find another team.

Find ways to assist.

Be Support Staff if that's your gift.

Local and internet-based radio is an untapped resource, under-tapped, to bring the gospel and discipleship training materials to new believers, indeed, to all that we interact with.

If you have a faith conversation with anybody throughout the day and you did not text them a link to something, the conversation is not complete.

Satan is the master of distraction and discouragement.

Be Laser Focused.

Be Encouraged.



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