Gospel Logic Layers.
What is logic?
And there must be layers of logic to reach a full understanding of the gospel.
So let's start with Layer 1.
His name is … Jesus.
Now he's the Layer 1.
He's the Foundation of my salvation.
He is the Rock, the solid Rock upon which I stand.
Without Him, we ain't got no gospel.
We ain't got nothing.
Not nothing.
The Bible calls Him the Stone which the builders rejected.
And He became, what did He become?
The Cornerstone.
The cornerstone, which is the bedrock, the fundament, the foundation, the base.
You can't build nothing logically unless you got Him in first place.
He's below the woo, concrete.
He's like the underlayment.
He's like the whole shebango.
So number one is Jesus.
Would you agree, slightly disagree, or none of the above with this statement:
To receive the gospel, a person should have a good understanding of who Jesus is.
Are you a hundo on that?
So let's proclaim who He is as part of our presentation.
You know, most people don't start the gospel on the base of Who we're presenting.
No, yeah.
They like to start with sin.
I mean, of course we're sinners, but here's the question, “against Who?”
And which God?
God of the Bible.
Oh, and Who is that?
The Holy, Holy, Holy God.
So we're just kind of presuming that they know this Person.
Anyway, I like to start with Jesus.
We'll go to layer two.
Are you ready to go to layer two?
Jesus saves.
That's a nice level.
So this logic has like a summary word.
The first layer is Jesus.
You can't do nothing without Him.
Number two layer is saves.
Now, in order to save someone, … what does the word save mean?
Like, be the dictionary, dig deep, Noah Webster Jr.
Definition of the word: save.
Save is a verb, by the way.
It's an action.
What is the action?
To rescue.
Ah, to rescue from …?
Well, it depends, depends on what they know as saved.
So in this case, saved is from hell.
So it's to protect, to secure, to come, to grab out, to, to, to, to like completely
Protect or rescue from some peril, some doom, some pain, some problem, destruction.
So you can go out and save people from the ditch, you know, rescue them out of the ditch.
You can save someone from despair.
You can save them from
emotional catastrophe or mental collapse or financial ruin so you can save people from a lot of things so save … there must be a Savior that's Jesus and he must do the action of saving, that is the rescue plan now from how wait wait we're getting there that's layer three now but the saved part, you could break it down into three things:
I'm qualified to need
a Savior because I'm a sinner.
Dingo bingo!
I don't need a Savior unless I see my condition as being different than Jesus.
Since I'm not Jesus, and since He's offering to rescue me that must mean I'm in a predicament.
I got a problem.
Naturally, my skin is selfish, prideful, I think crazy stuff. I imagine things that are just not true: not accurate. You know, we have impulses and chemistry and all this weird stuff stuffing on. And we don’t always have the best spirit. And we don’t always even smell good! You know, people don’t even smell good sometimes?
Yeah, it's really, really weird.
So how can we be perfect if we don't even smell good?
We cannot.
We're not perfect.
So then we need Savior, salvation.
We need to be rescued from something so large that it's difficult for us to resonate in our cranium.
Like we can't comprehend.
You say the word hell and I'm like, okay, clock out.
That's a horror movie.
I don't want to watch that.
Because I'm not going there.
Nobody's going there.
Nobody wants to think about it.
But God's a pretty drastic God.
He's serious about it.
Dead serious.
He's the Resurrection and the Life.
We deserve the second death.
Anyway, so Jesus saves and we're going to get to the “from” part and how long and to what degree and to what extent and then how it can be activated because you cannot be rescued unless you receive the offer.
We'll come right back.
Stay tuned.
Listen to this little clip from our sponsor.
Just kidding.
So far we know Jesus is our …
And He provides a service, a service called Salvation.
That's true.
Let's see if the Bible agrees with that.
It says, wherefore He, Christ Jesus, is able, amen, also to save them.
That's you.
How long?
To the uttermost.
that come unto God by Him, and why?
Seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.
So he's always eternal, therefore we can have communion with God at all times.
And He intercedes for us.
He's our Intercessor.
He's our high priest.
It says, for such an High Priest became us.
A priest is someone who kind of stands between us and God and helps us.
An intermediator.
He stays connected.
And He is holy.
I like this definition of Jesus.
He's our High Priest who is HOLY.
Whatever that is, I need a whole bunch of it.
Because I am not that.
But He is.
And without holiness, we can't get close to God.
For Jesus is holy, then harmless.
Do you like to be around people who are harmless?
Yeah, undefiled.
Does that define us?
No, we're naturally defiled.
He says He is undefiled.
That makes Him different.
He is undefiled.
He's holy, and I'm not, so I need Him.
He's harmless, and us left to ourselves, we get frustrated and a little bit vicious. Whereas He is undefiled. While sinners are defiled. And then it says, “separate from sinners. “ Now, that does not mean He doesn’t love sinners. But He is entirely different than a sinner in some respects.
And made higher.
This is Hebrews 7.
You gotta have this memorized.
This is like a pre-graduate test.
They won't even let you in unless you know this stuff.
Just kidding.
And made higher than the heavens.
Now, where is the eternal abode of God?
It is heaven.
And also... His throne.
92% of people didn't get that question right either.
But why is God making a new heaven and a new earth if He does not intend to fully inhabit and rule both?
Well, that's why he intends to inhabit and rule both.
He will.
You know, there's a philosophy out there that says that we are interdimensional beings.
You ever heard about that?
And that humans need to go beyond Earth and seek for new galaxies and new worlds and go live on Mars.
You've heard this stuff?
And it's very aspirational and just really silly.
However, we should aspire to live beyond Earth.
We are inter-dimensional beings, maybe not intergalactic, but we will be able to transmit, transfuse, transfer, and travel in between heaven and earth.
Kamina, kamina, kamina, kamina, come on now!
That's pretty exciting, right?
That's very exciting.
What do you like about heaven?
I like that there's gold.
Wow, that's okay.
That's one thing that's on the list.
It's in the top 100.
Ask me the same question.
What do you like about heaven?
J-J-J-J-J-Jesus is there.
If he wasn't there, it wouldn't be heaven.
Right, that would be heaven.
In fact, He calls Himself, he's the Light, he's the City, he's the everything.
He's the ticket.
I want to meet him.
They need no sun.
They have no need of the light of the sun there.
We've got to finish this out.
It says, this, our priest, is made higher than the heavens.
I think we just went down a rabbit trail.
and we might not even make it back on the main trail, but here we are.
We know who Jesus is and we're still getting to know Him.
Number two, we know we need salvation because we're stinkers.
Only stinkers need salvation.
If you think you don't stink, you do not need Jesus.
But you do stink compared to Him.
So it is true.
Here's the foundational concept.
Let's go back to the beginning.
Yes, Jesus.
And once we know Jesus, then we know we need salvation.
So we'll say it like this.
Jesus saves from hell for ever.
He doesn't just save from hell once.
He saved from hell once for all time.
And how do we know this in Scripture?
Sorry, it's a really bumpy road.
Yeah, it's all over Hebrews.
Here we are, Hebrews 7, let's just close it out.
It says, Who needeth not daily as those other high priests to offer up sacrifice.
Why doesn't He need to every day offer up a fresh sacrifice?
Because He did it once and for all.
Because He is the Sacrifice.
He done, do, did, done it.
He finished it.
It says, first for His own sins and then for the people's sins.
That's how the old school priests did it.
They gave up one offering for their own sins and another offering for the people's sins.
And here's the answer.
It's a colon.
It says, for this He did once.
How many times did Jesus provide salvation?
How many of our sins did He pay for?
Those should be two of your favorite words.
Once for all.
Oh sinner, believe it.
You got another verse?
Light it up.
On fire.
Turn the light on.
In Hebrews 10:12, it says, But this man, talking about Jesus, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down at the right hand of God.
And then verse 14 says, Wait, wait, wait, that's chocolate.
That's, that's just, that is Japanese mousse chocolate cheesecake.
Can you, can you just allow us to digest it a little bit?
No, no, no.
Let's do that verse in sliver slices.
We're Americans.
We can hardly get truth to enter in.
If you skip ahead to the next one, we're going to miss it.
All right, let's break it down.
You say a phrase and then pass the mic, okay?
Go ahead with the first phrase slowly, please, sir, and go.
But THIS man... Wait, wait, wait.
Is He different than me?
So, but means in strong contrast to.
me … whereas he's opposed diametrically to other men. He's different in a certain way then. Right. BUT, look over here now this man, what did he do, Jesus Christ what did he do?
After He Had Offered One Sacrifice
wow! After .. so He is going to do something: this Man. After he, Christ Jesus … I like to fill every bucket. A pronoun is just a big bucket that needs something in it. Gotta fill up: who is the “he?” Jesus is the He. He had offered one sacrifice. Now, we know what that is. Himself. He was the sacrificial Lamb of God. So He offered Himself as one sacrifice. Keep reading … For sins for... Wait, wait, wait.
Is that sin singular or sins plural?
Sins plural.
Does it have an efficacious reach even to the depths of absolutely every sin?
What about my one sin that bothers me all the time?
What about the sin I did 10 years ago that I can't forgive myself for and I feel really guilty?
You mean that Jesus is able to pay the entire price tag for absolutely every offense that I've ever done against God?
How'd He do that?
Wait, uh, he didn't... No, no, no, no.
Read the Bible.
It says He offered one sacrifice... For ever.
Wait, one sacrifice for sins forever.
How long is that?
Well, we can't even fathom forever.
Can we try?
We can try.
Go ahead and try.
So I'm saved from absolutely 10,000% of every offense, and I'm rescued and it's paid for by this sacrificial Lamb who gave himself entirely to cover and pay for my sins for how long?
For ever.
And then just try to define that.
Like, help us go on a journey.
How do we start comprehending the value of for … ever?
First, is it one word or two words?
Two words.
100% of the time in Scripture, it's two words.
What's in between the for and the ever?
A space.
Why is the space there?
Because it's trying to emphasize.
Who's the Author?
So the Holy Spirit wants us to savor the pause.
Have you ever gone golfing?
Do you know what they say right before they tee off and smack the ball down the green?
I've heard it, but I don't remember.
It sounds like this.
That's true.
Now “fore” means I'm about to hit the ball.
and I'm warning you that something is coming.
For unto us a Son is given.
You know that Bible verse?
For the wages of sin is death.
Have you ever heard that Bible verse?
For God so loved the world.
Have you heard that one?
For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor ten things will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
It's setting the ball on a tee that you're about to hit really far.
It's an introductory word.
Do you know what a Herold is?
No, what is a Herold?
A Herold is a commissioned delivery announcement boy sent from the palace of the King to deliver the news in grand style on a scroll to every hamlet, town, nation, and people.
And this Herold would carry a musical instrument.
Usually a trumpet.
And he would make a certain noise that was the royal call of the king to introduce everyone.
Hark and hear, hear ye, hear ye.
Toot toot toot toot toot.
And then he would give the announcement.
For …
So the word for, it's just like, it's setting up the ball.
And it's saying what we're about to say is pretty, pretty important.
I think there's welding over there.
For how long?
For ever.
Now give me a couple synonyms for ever.
What is it?
Um, I don't know.
Think about it.
Is ever a loop?
How does “ever” relate to time?
So it goes beyond the scope of our comprehension?
Why would God give us such a grand gift?
because He loves us immeasurably so, yes higher and farther and deeper and more so now do you know that time and money are not just cousins yes they're not just twins yes
They're inseparable Siamese twins, and so that if you value time, you actually value money.
So when God tried to put a measure of value on you, He wanted to give you something to express what you meant to Him, and He was willing to pay the highest price, go the farthest distance, and He purchased for you salvation, which includes for ever.
Can you say it kind of like with emphasis or with like wonder?
Let's try to like lay it out there.
Like if you were delivering this message to the world.
Like back up that phrase, just find a comma, back up to the comma, and instead of just blurting it out, just give it like the grandiose, like with furls of curtains, like opening up the ribbons of time.
Just express it with the greatest love of God.
Ask the Holy Spirit to lay it out there.
What do you got?
But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice,
for Sins Foooooooooooooooooor Ever.
Then what?
Sat down.
He sat down because it was … on the right hand of God.
Signifying that He had indeed finished His work.
Did I do the work?
He sat down.
He's all done.
It is finished.
Loud He cried.
So he sat down on the right hand of the Father.
Does that mean that the Father was pleased and accepted the offering of the sacrifice?
There's peace and harmony between God.
See, because God the Father had to pour out the wrath upon the Son who was carrying the sin of the world.
So we can have peace with God.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who is sat down on the right hand of the Father and He maketh intercession for us.
That's what a priest does.
All right, keep going.
You want me to do the next verse?
Another for.
Let's just stop and pause.
By one offering.
You mean I don't have to go get a sacrament?
I don't have to eat the cookie?
What if I just, do I need to get re-dipped in water?
Do I need to speak in a heavenly language?
Absolutely not.
Who paid this one offering?
Do I need to give some money?
Do I need to dedicate some time, shave my head and go clock in to a place to live alone on a mountain?
For by one offering.
And can you tell me again, what was the offering?
His sacrifice of His life was it …?
Yeah, it was kind of intense.
For by one offering, … I don't know if God will forgive us, but I like to add adjectives.
For by one “amazing” offering, right?
One “unspeakable” offering, one “super loving” offering, he, that's Jesus, hath
That's past tense.
That means made perfect before the Father.
And there's the word again.
Perfected for ever them.
Now the word them is a pronoun.
I can put my name in there.
This Bible is a love letter to me.
Written by God.
So I can say, “for by one offering [of Jesus] he [Christ] hath perfected for ever Francisco …
that is sanctified.
Set apart, called for the purpose of God.
Ready to do something big.
Cleaned up, spickle span.
You have a purpose, man.
I like it.
I like this little, we just got to finish it out.
Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us.
That means He comforts us.
He tells us, hey, you're saved, you're saved, you're saved inside.
The Holy Ghost is a witness to us, the redeemed, for after that He had said before, this is the covenant.
Now, if God's going to make me a promise of salvation, I need it to be in the form of a covenant.
I need a promise, promise.
Do you ever forget how much God loves you?
Before noon?
Oh, yeah.
So we need a covenant.
Now is the covenant sure because I place my confidence in the covenant, or is the covenant sure because of the Author of the covenant?
The author.
So this is the covenant that I, God, will make with them, Justin, after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts.
That means my heart will want to please God.
And in their minds will I write them, that's His laws, His ideas, His preferences.
You know, the law is not just what your parents want.
It's what your parents prefer.
You can obey.
You can.
And then you can move up to please.
I want to do what pleases Him.
Because I kind of have the nuance of the spirit behind the general intention of what He was trying to say rather than
Don't cut people open.
You know, he wasn't, he was trying to say, “please be kind.”
Anyway, sorry.
I will put my laws into their hearts and their minds.
Will I write them and their sins?
Their sins.
And their iniquities?
Their iniquities.
Will I remember?
No more.
Nada mas.
So if God is not holding on my record, my sins,
That makes me sound like a champion.
Like I can go in.
I have access.
I don't have to be afraid of hell or separation or being cast out.
But why do you have access?
Because of the Savior.
But because what?
Because He is faithful that promised.
Now where remission, the word remission means …
Taking away.
Complete removal.
I agree.
Of these, now what's the these?
He 100% carried all these sins.
He removed them.
There is a … no more.
Now he's repeating the no more.
It sounds like it could be a sermon, a no more.
We should look up every time the Bible says a no more.
How many go and sin, a no more, right?
It's pretty good.
I'm going to Google.
I'm going to find out how many times God promised me
No more. Now where remission of these sins is, there is no more offering for sin.”
You mean there's not gonna be a successive, repetitive, continual crucifixion of Christ in the mass? Yes, so we don't have to take the body of Christ and crush it and destroy it and bludgeon it and beat it and bite it and destroy God afresh?
Because one time was good enough?
In fact, if you read at the beginning of Hebrews 10, it says it better than anyone could ever say it.
But in those sacrifices, plural, the old killing of animals, there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
For it's not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins or do the job.
He taketh away the first covenant, that He may establish the second [covenant].
By the which will we are sanctified by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ [a] once for all.
And every priest standeth daily and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this Man … took care of all of it.
I love it.
All right.
The Logical Layers of Salvation.
Salvation should start with an awareness of a Person.
Who is this person?
Jesus Christ.
From Nazareth.
Is He righteous?
Is He higher than the highest?
Very much so.
Is He holier than me?
Holy, holy, holy.
Is he hallelujah?
Is He the King Most High?
Is he worthy of our attention?
Who is he, Mr. Karl Boberg?
“Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee, how great Thou art.”
That's the song.
That's what Carl Bo … , that's who he thought He was.
Anyway, all right.
So once we know who Jesus is, I think you're 80% of the way to receiving the gospel.
If you have an accurate understanding of who the Messiah is, you will be really an imbecile to refuse His offer.
If you saw clearly, like Isaiah, I saw the Lord high and lifted up.
If you got a vision of who God was.
A vision.
If you were even curious to know who is the king of the world.
The king.
And you saw him for who He was, our proper response would be, woe is me.
I'm a sinner.
I need salvation.
And this Jesus offers to be the Lamb of God.
So once we know who Jesus is, then we got to know that His chief action is: saves.
Jesus saves.
He saves those who see themselves as sinners.
Jesus came, not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Because only a sinner will make the decision to trust the Savior.
So here's Jesus.
That's layer one.
Here's a sinner that needs salvation.
That's layer two.
And I need salvation from something …
Big, drastic, definite.
One reason God made hell probably is just to get our attention.
Because you don't want to go there.
No, we don't.
Would you like to trust My Son instead?
Is that a no-brainer?
I mean, I got a compliment today about being a salesman.
I like to deflect that glory back to God, but you don't have to be good at any kind of sales if you say, “Hell or heaven?”
Make a choice.
Jesus or eternal death?
Well, eternal life.
Well, duh.
I mean, that's logical.
So let's introduce people to Jesus, the fact that He saves and He saves from eternal damnation, lake of fire, for how long?
For ever.
And he does that by the sacrifice of Himself so that we can have peace and confidence that He is our living Lord, our intercessor.
He's providing salvation currently.
He's eternally our security.
He's the ticket.
I simply trust Him.
Now, I must choose to trust this Christ.
I cannot just hope that He chose me.
I must activate my own will and I must actively pursue trusting and believing.
I must receive His offer.
He says, “Come unto Me.”
I have to volitionally select to come unto Him.
He says, call unto Me.
He says, drink of the water.
I am the everlasting Water.
I am the, what does He call Himself in that?
He's the ticket.
He's the eternal.
I must receive Him.
Is there anything we left out?
There's a lot because you could talk about it all day.
We're going to add one word.
Only here it is Johnny.
Let's let's do Vacation Bible School.
Ready Johnny?
Here's the gospel Johnny.
Let's do let's do a little X for only.
Jesus: point to Him.
Only Jesus saves.
Now to save means to scoop your hand down and catch the thing falling through the air.
Saves from hell.
Now hell is a spinning swirl down down down. [pointing]
It's an everlasting pit of destruction.
So let's start the beginning only Jesus swoop saves from hell for [And they do a swirl the other way] for And then you got a smile, it's like Elijah.
And you want to put a little exclamation point and a smiley face and a scratch and sniff sticker.
Yes, like Elijah going up in a whirlwind.
That is the core concept of the gospel.
It's beautiful.
It's amazing.
It's logical.
And all of Scripture supports that.
It's eternal.
Don't mess with it.
Don't tweak it.
Don't add anything to it.
It's not through Jesus Plus.
It's not Jesus Minus.
It's just only Jesus saves from hell for ever smiley face.
And if you don’t got a smiley face at the end, you might notta heard it right the first time. :)
I think the smiley face is nearly essential. There’s gotta be a little bit of delight.
You know we’re not supposed to add to the Bile. But whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD shall be saved [and like it!]
Right? You gotta be saved and exclamation point!
How can you not like it?
How can you be a bitter, angry, grumpy, selfish Christian?
Well, there's many of them, but I think it's because they forgot.
They might have forget-ed.
So they need to hit rewind, back it up, introduce themselves to Jesus, reconnect, and let it happen.
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