
God is ...

The gospel is received by getting to know God.

God is …


We invite God to identify Himself in Scripture.

He has done so, because once we know Him, we will accept or reject Him.

Once we see Him in His entirety,

as revealed from all angles of admiration, we will see either our Savior or our Final Judge.

Once we examine His claim to His full-spectrum Name, we will see our need of rescue clearly.

The gospel is received by getting to know God.

Who is this God?

The Bible reveals Him as:

God 3,800 times that name is used.

The title Lord is given 6,000 times.

Holy is the pristine, identifying feature of God in 191 instances, specifically referencing the person of God as holy.

Righteous 225.

Righteousness 289.

That's part of His DNA.

God becomes known as our Heavenly Father 261 times.

It was really fun to count them.

In the New Testament, vs. just one mention of God as Father in the Old Testament.

God is named:

Our Savior 37 times,

Christ 532 times,

Jesus 942 times,

Messiah or Messias just four times.

He is the Holy Ghost 89 times,

Holy Spirit just 21 times,

so you can tell what His preferred name is.

He's known as the Spirit of God, 29 times,

Spirit of Christ, 4 times,

The Godhead, 3 times.

The word “One”, referring to the unity of the unique parties of the Godhead, is in 9 verses.

He's known as the Teacher, 1 time.

Rabbi five times, which means:

Master 58 times.

(All three of those are synonyms.)

He is the Justifier once.

He's our Just One three times.

He's the Judge 100+ times.

He's our Maker 19 times.

Creator five times.

If you simply, please allow yourself to MEET Him truly, embracing all of His person and revealed identity, you will see your main need fulfilled … that desperate need of an eternal rescue Saviour and loving Friend. 

The Name of Jesus, What a Mighty Name!

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There is a Name to me so dear,

Like sweetest music to my ear,

For when my heart is troubled, filled with fear, then my … 

Then my Jesus whispers peace.

When grief seems more … than I can bear

My soul weighed down with … heavy care

And I am sorely tempted …. to despair

But Jesus whispers peace.

Oh, that the world might hear Him speak

That word of comfort that men seek

To all the lowly and … to the meek

listen, Jesus whispers peace.

Those words written by Della McChane Warren

However sung best by Brother Lester Roloff

The Names of Jesus with (some) Bible References.

Are you ready?

Do you have your seatbelts on?

He's our Advocate.


I need one of those.

1 John 2 verse 1.

He's Almighty.

Was there any doubt about it?

Revelation 1 8.

He's the Alpha and Omega.

That's All Encompassing.

He's the Amen.

Revelation 3.

He's the Apostle.

He's our Apostle and High Priest.

He is the Arm of the Lord.

He's the Author.

I like that.

He can write.

He's the Author and Finisher of our faith; completing what He began.

He's the Author of, here it is, Eternal Salvation.

You can look that up in Hebrews 5 verse 9.

He's the Beginning

and the End.

He's the Beginning of the Creation of God.

He's the Beloved Son.

He's the Branch.

He's the Bread of God, the Bread of Life, the Bridegroom, the Bright and Morning Star.

You could pause right there and breathe and say, Amen, I need to meet Him.

He's the Captain of our Salvation.

Hebrews 2 verse 10.

He's the Chief Cornerstone.

He's our Chief Shepherd.

He's Chosen of God.

He's the Christ, the Anointed for a purpose.

He's the Christ of God in Luke 9 verse 20.

He's our Comforter.

He's the Consolation.

He's our Cornerstone, our Counselor, our Creator.

He's the Dayspring.

He's the Deliverer

He's the Desire of All Nations.

He's the Door.

He's the Elect, the Eternal Life.

He's the Everlasting Father.

He and His Father kind of swap identities every once in a while.

He's the Faithful and True.

I need somebody like that in my life.

He's the Faithful Witness.

He's again the First and the Last in Revelation 1:17.

He's the First Begotten.

He's the Firstborn, the Forerunner.

I like that.

That means we're on a race and He's already finished the race and He came back as a pace car.

He's just gonna run right alongside me as my Forerunner.

He's the Glory of the Lord.

He's the God Most Blessed.

He's the Good Shepherd.

He's the Good Shepherd I am following toward home,

I'm so glad I let him hold my trembling hand.

He's my Governor.


He's the Great High Priest which means I don't need a priest anymore because I got One.

He's the Head over all things to the Church, Ephesians 1:22.

We've got to give Him and allow Him to occupy that position of authority because if He's the Head over all things to the Church, that means He's also the Head of your home.


That'll get things straightened up, get the puzzle pieces in order.

He's the Heir of all things.

You want to get in-line for that.

You want to participate in that event and that adventure.

He's the Holy Child we celebrate.

He's the Holy One of God.

He's the Holy One.

He's our Hope.

He's the Horn of Salvation.

He's the I AM.

He's the Image of the unseen God.

He's E-man-uel.

He's God come down to put on a skin bag to be one of us, but still God.

He's Jehovah in Isaiah 26:4.

He's the Jesus of Nazareth specifically in Matthew 21:11.

He's Jesus.

He's our Judge.

He's the Judge of Israel and Judge of All Nations.

He's the King of King.

He's the King of Saints.

He's the King of the Ages and

He's the Lamb of God willing to die.

He's the Lamb without blemish of 1st Peter 1:19.

He's the Last Adam.

He finished it up.

He's the Law Giver.

He came up with the idea and the design of every line in the law.

He's our Leader and Commander in Isaiah 55 4.

He's the Light, the Light of the world.

I like light.

I like vision.

He's the Li-lon of the tribe of Judah in Revelation 5:5 (mispronounced on purpose for emphasis.)

He's our Living Stone.

First Peter 2 verse 4.

He's the Lord of All.

Fill in the blank there: All.

And then it gives Him a couple more titles of Lord because He kind of likes that word.

He's the Lord of Glory in 1 Corinthians 2.

He's the Lord of Hosts.

That means heavenly armies in Haggai 2.

He's the Lord of Lords in 1 Timothy 6.

He's the Lord Our Righteousness.

See, because my righteousness is rather rotten.

It's short-lived.

It's unfulfilled.

It's not fully correct.

It needs to be infused with the Lord Our Righteousness.

Let Him Take Over, We Need a Full Substitute.

He's the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief.

In Isaiah 53, He's got teardrops in His eyes and He sweated so hard that it became blood.

In Gethsemane, He's the Man of Sorrows.

He can speak our language.

He knows how to express love and we are people that resonate with a Savior who suffers.

He's able to suffer.

He's our Master.

He's earned it, right?

John 1:38, He's the Mediator, the go-between.

He begs on our behalf and He presents our case to the Highest.

He's the Messenger of the Covenant.

He's the Messiah.

He's the Mighty God, Isaiah 9, verse 6.

He's the Mighty One, Isaiah 60.

He's the Nazarene.

He's the Offspring of David.

He's the Promised One,

The Only Begotten Son. John 1:18.

He's our Passover, our Potentate, the Prince of Life, the Prince of Peace.

Of course, he's a Prophet. (That's pretty simple.)

He's the Propitiation for our Sins.

It's a big word, but it should make you happy.

That means He took my place.


He's the Rabboni.

He's the Redeemer.

He's the Resurrection and the Life.

He's my Rock.

He's my Root.

He's the Rose of Sharon.

He's the Savior.

He's the Second Man from Heaven.

He's the Promised Seed of the woman.

He's the Shepherd and the Bishop of my soul.

My soul needs help because it's in trouble.

I need a Protector and a Guide, a Shepherd and a Bishop.

He's my Shiloh.

He's the Son of Abraham.

He's the Son of David.

He's the Son of God.

He's the Son of Man.

He's the Son of the Blessed.

He's the Son of the Highest.

Wow, he's my Stone.

He's the Sun of Righteousness, S-U-N, rising up in Malachi 4 verse 2.

Of course he's a Teacher.

He's the Just One, the only One who's Just.

He's the Life Giver in John 14:6.

He's the True God.

He's the True Light.

He's the True Vine, and He is the Truth.

John 14:6, He's the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Bam, bam, bam.

He's our Witness.

He's Wonderful.

Of course He's Wonderful!!!

Triple exclamation point, Wonderful.

He's the Word of God, the Word of Life, and He's the Word Most Wonderful.

He's the Author of Scripture, and He revealed Himself, and you should reveal that you need Him.

Salvation is of the Lord.

Do you know Him?

All in favor say, Yes, I know the Savior.

If you don't know Him, just hit rewind.

And listen again.

The gospel is inside the identity of God.

You can't get to know God and not embrace the gospel.

You just heard the Gospel.

You heard your need for the gospel right there.

And you should be sharing.

You should be sharing.

If you claim that Christ is your best Friend, He's your Savior, He's my Rescue, He's my Brother.

We didn't even cover all of His names.

But if you believe Christ, you must deliver His identity to the next generation.

And they will receive or reject according to their free will.

I am responsible to deliver the knowledge of this most wonderful Person, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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