Simple Gospel Podcast
Simple Gospel Podcast
Every Day Zero Excuses
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -10:28

Every Day Zero Excuses

produce gospel content

Every day, zero excuses.

Produce content.

Do it because it's right.

Do it because you're supposed to.

Do it because you love God.

Do it because of the previous generations.

Just do it.

You'll understand why later.

Why produce content?

Because Jesus produced content.

Do you think it was easy for Jesus Christ as a human to spend every day out there talking with the masses who could not comprehend much of what He was saying?

And He had to tell stories and layers and levels to keep them slightly entertained so that they could absorb maybe 5% of the spiritual content that He was dishing out?

How much do you think His disciples actually absorbed?

John at the end is like, shoot, we should have written down more stuff.

Maybe we should have hired somebody to follow us around and write more books because the books that should have been written about this Man who was the highest content Producer of all time.

Somebody should have been writing His words down and all we got is four books.

Just four from His short time here on earth.

I'm sure there's, according to John and according to God, who wrote the book of John before there was a John,

“The world could not contain the books that should be written.”

Therefore, content production is the obligation and the joy, the delight and the duty of absolutely every person who is indwelt by the Spirit of Christ.

We have Christ within us, therefore we must be glowing and showing and flowing the gospel every day.

Do you know why people get ripped and strong?

Because they have zero excuses.

They eliminated, eviscerated, and destroyed every excuse for them not to go to the gym and so they have consistency.

If he be constant, is the quote from Scripture.

If he be constant.

If he be constant.

[Wow, I see a homeless guy lit this fire under the bridge.

He's got a fire going over there.

That's pretty cool.

It's after midnight.

Anyway, I'm just so thankful I'm not homeless tonight.

Glory to God and praise the Lamb.

Somehow we have a dollar to pay the bills one more day.]

Alrighty, sorry for the rabbit trail, and we're back.

All right.

If he be constant, God promised to pass along the kingdom to Solomon.

If he did one thing, consistency, regularity, rhythm, a cadence, go for it, harmonized, people of habit.

Developing positive habits is a key to admiration.

If you want to be admired by anybody, if you want to develop …

If you want to attain to any measure of human glory, of which we should not strive for glory, but if you want anyone to remember you for doing anything, you must do the thing repeatedly and regularly, consistently and with quality for a long time.

I think our pastor says it this way, do the right thing the right way with the right people and the right motive for as long as possible.

And maybe he doesn't finish it, but …

And maybe it will matter to the next generation is how I would finish that thought, right?

Do you want your life to matter?

All want their life to count for something, to make their mark when life is through.

I want my life to mean something to Jesus.

Non-content producers are non-content absorbers.

You're meaning to tell me that you absorbed another day in the sunshine, another day out with the society and the people and you lived in nature and with God and around scripture and the Holy Ghost inside of you singing a song.

I had a song today rolling.

Yesterday, actually, it started, Day By Day and with each passing moment, it was the second verse.

Let me just sing it for you one time real quick.

The essence of today's little broadcast, little burst, we should call it audio bursting, right?

This lady wrote, are you ready?

I'm going to read the end of it first.

Just breathe in, absorb this.

This is a sweet, stoic story of a saint.

This hymn was penned by Carolina Sandel, who lived from 1823 to 1903.

She is better known as Lina Sandel, which is a shortening of her word instead of Carolina, just Lina.

Sandell and she was “the Fanny Crosby of Sweden”.


She was the daughter of a pastor to whom she was very close to her daddy pastor.

She wrote and was used by God to write 650 hymns partly to cope with the fact that she witnessed her father's tragic passing by drowning.

Most people experience trauma in life to some degree and how do they respond?

They do not write hymns.

They do not produce content.

They do not push the button.

They do not pick up the pen.

So where does it go?

Do they run to a bottle?

Do they run to a pill?

Do they pick up a new addiction?

I don't know.

I think this lady probably expressed her pain properly in music, on paper, in pen to bring revival.

Her songs were used in revival campaigns throughout Europe.

Here it is.

It's a song you know.

I'll wait to sing till we get to the second verse because that's the one that resonates the deepest day by day.

Just think of it as a poem.

Do you need help?

How often?

Day by day.

And with each passing moment, strength I find... I gotta sing the whole thing, sorry.

To meet my... Oh, gotta back it up.

Slow down.

I'm so excited.

Had too much caffeine.

Here we go.

Come on.

Take two.



I got no editor.

Maybe we'll pay an editor.

Maybe you could be the editor.

Here we go.

Day by day and with each passing moment

Strength I find to meet my trials here

Trusting in my Father's wise bestowment

I've no cause for worry or for fear

He whose heart is kind beyond all measure

Gives unto each day what he deems best

Lovingly, it's part of pain and pleasure.

Mingling toil with peace and rest.

Every day.

That's good.

That's really good.

The Lord Himself is near me

With a special mercy for each hour.

All my cares He feign would bear and cheer me.

He whose name is Counselor and Pow’r.

The protection of His child and treasure. [that’s YOU]

Is a charge that on Himself He laid

As thy days thy strength shall be in measure

This the pledge to me he made.

Help me then in every tribulation

So to trust Thy promises O Lord

That I lose not faith's sweet consolation

Offered me within Thy Holy Word.

Help me Lord when toil and trouble meeting

E'er to take as from a father's hand

One by one the days, the moments fleeting

Till with Christ the Lord I stand.


That's timeless.

We're going to sing that again in heaven someday.


All that to say, brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbors, grandma, and everybody, if you have God, you are bound to broadcast something.

And I'm encouraging you to do your one thing.

Do your one thing.

Exercise your gift.

You don't have to be good at verbals.

Moses wasn't a good speaker, but he wrote five books.

A lot of people aren't good at much of nothing and they still make it happen through consistently applying effort, willpower, diligence, determination, God helping us.

Let God use you.

It's permission.

You know, maybe Satan has convinced us that we are nothing and we are crushed down.

We are defeated.

Punch the devil.

Get up and push the button.

Hit the record button and say something good for God.

I think it's a healthy exercise.

Be thinking and thanking and thankful and thank overflowing and then praising and then moving around.

Can't skip any of the steps.

Be a thinker.

Write it out.

Make a list.

Be filled with thanks.

Be overflowing with thanks.

You can't stop being

expressive of thankfulness if it's filled up inside of you.

Anyway, just try it.

I think you'll love it.

The first day at the gym is the toughest day.

The first day of broadcasting and podcasting is the most awkward.

Just let God infuse you with courage.

Be filled with the Spirit and other people will feel it.

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