Did you want your Bible song for the day?
Did you know everyone should meditate on Scripture, would you agree?
Everyone should sing a song.
In fact, God kind of strongly suggests that we have a song in our heart.
What if we combined the Scripture and a song together?
Kind of a two-for-one synergy, right?
Do you like the word synergy?
All right, here it is.
Therefore being
Do you like being?
It's way better than doing, right?
Therefore being justified, how do you feel so far?
Pretty doing guy.
Pretty good, right?
Therefore being justified, because you can't doing justified, right?
Therefore being justified by faith, that’s simple exercise of the will to trust Someone else besides yourself, specifically the Object of your faith needs to be a valid source of confidence.
Therefore being,
That's a state of existence.
I like that.
Justified by faith, we have peace.
Now, tis the season where the Prince of Peace came to establish peace on earth, goodwill to men.
I need peace.
I do.
There is no true lasting peace outside the source, the King, the Prince of Peace.
I need that.
Three Scoops and a Full Bathtub of Peace.
Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Isn't that nice?
Does it make you smile?
And then we'll just sing the song to wrap up the end of it because now this is an old bus song.
I don't know who started it.
I guess the original author of Scripture started it.
So music should be from the heart and for the Lord.
You just ignore the crowd and you sing to God, right?
With a slight tilt up and you pretend God is looking at you because maybe He is.
If there is a God, He has to be looking at you.
You ever thought of that?
Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given … which is given, unto us. Unto us. Unto us.
Pretty good, right?
Not me, the song, the words.
It's good.
So you can sing a verse, meditate therein, and make God happy all at the same time.
It's like spiritual healing in the moment.
Do you want to hear it one more time?
Or that was pretty good enough, right?
You could try to sing along.
Therefore, yeah kind of start kind of low.
Therefore being, that's too low.
Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ because the love of God is shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Ghost which is given, which is given
Unto Us, Unto Us, Unto Us.
What does that make you think about?
It makes me think about gratitude.
Gratitude is the correct attitude.
Why would God love us?
Because He loves us.
That's the … two for two.
That is the correct answer yet again.
Because, long pause, scratch brain,
He loves us?
Yeah, He doesn't have to.
He's not compelled to.
He willingly chose to.
We're not a glorious object, worthy of admiration.
We're not some kind of a sparkly collectible to Him, but He loves us.
And He shed abroad the love of God in our heart to confirm the fact that He appreciates our act of willful faith in His Son.
There, we did our song for the day.
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