[Sounds better in audio format.]
Beginning locally.
Motivated on the assumption of God’s love, by nature wanting to be known and received by all.
Is it possible to augment one’s belief 100x by Ai.
The next gospel wave.
3 pillar-people construct the mega outreach mission:
1 = vision focus: with declaration and determination
2 = product dev and push: purify and polish
3 = techno fluid oversight: connecting platforms and personalties
Ai executes the actions.
Chief Ai officer sees. Understands what is out there. What tools to use. Scans the horizon.
Marketing and sales can be Ai flow. Just deliver where the people are.
All people on the effective team must be trained on Ai tools to multiply themselves.
Chat GPT increases the engagement-rate of emails. Feed content into the machine, and let the editing happen. Each person has a specific style of uptake: do you realize Ai can forecast and know with certainly the optimal word count for each receiver on your audience list?
How should I be using generative Ai (that which generates content) in my business … how about God’s business of reaching the world with the pure refreshing Water of everlasting life? Ask. Receive.
When adopting fresh technology, one should maintain the childhood mindset of play and discovery. Serious curiosity. This is so cool. This will help our team so much!
How can Ai assist in generating and distributing the gospel to the unreached people groups?
How can Ai help get the gospel into _________ [insert certain country or people group].
How can gospel distribution be monetized without pushback? Do people truly not want to assist in the gospel going forth?
How can money be maximized to efficiently distribute personal gospel testimonies?
Can Ai generate a mini-version of Unshackled for every believer? A fully-dramatized, professional voice-actor theatre-ready PERSONAL and powerful testimony of salvation and surrender and usefulness … ready to share on all platforms?
How to get every believer to express what they believe about God in a meaningful and personal way and then distribute that content in all forms on all platforms.
What platforms are ideal to share the gospel on personally without government intervention or censorship?
Can Ai add gamification to the gospel presentation? Make it fun. Which of these 5 topics would you like to explore first? God, sin, separation, redemption, acceptance.
Why would people want to hear the gospel from a total stranger?
What makes a personal story intriguing?
What is the ideal media channel or platform upon which to distribute the gospel to saturate one average American city?
How can we make an online faith-based radio station and fill the time-slots with live engagement as much as possible? From church members and the community.
What are the top-most consumed faith-based podcasts or content in the world? Divide by nation.
What is a culturally acceptable way to share one’s faith with a stranger in my country?
What is the average number of words a stranger will read on a pamphlet or tract handed to them by someone they do not know?
How many minutes per day does the average born-again believer spend thinking about one or more of the five core concepts of the gospel?
How important is the gospel to the average person?
Who wants to suppress the distribution of the gospel?
Is there an Ai app for asking questions about salvation, eternal life in general and getting Bible-answers?
List all the King James Bible verses related to explaining salvation and the gospel.
How can the gospel be understood from the Old Testament?
What are the top objections to receiving the gospel in my country?
What do people not want to understand about God’s plan of providing eternal life?
What do people think heaven will be like?
What makes a person stop looking for a fresh understanding of who God is?
Why do humans exist?
Where will we be 100 years from now?
How do people listen to content?
Who has the largest or most popular podcast in the world?
Who should I interview others to understand the gospel better?
What are some common misperceptions about what is and what is not the gospel?
How will Ai replace or adjust the Bible?
What is a wise business model to get the gospel to the world?
What do people believe instead of the gospel?
Why would anyone not want to live for ever in an existence where there is no sin, no violence, no death, no sorrow, no separation, no pain, no decay, no contamination, and we are connected to the Source, God Himself.
Why do people believe in false religion?
How can the average soul-winning local church saturate their local area with the knowledge of the gospel and followup with discipleship lessons?
Please generate three scripts to present the ideas of the gospel?
Please provide in printed format and audio format and video format, the three most compelling sermons of all time on the topic of salvation.
What impact can Ai have on spiritual growth without growing too fast?
How will Ai change people’s consumption of their favorite content across all platforms?
Can Ai take my audio and video testimony and produce a professional grade video and audio clip ready to distribute on all platforms?
How can I get more people to listen to the gospel online?
Do I have to be a pastor or full-time church worker to share the gospel correctly?
How much time would it take to conduct an in-depth gospel conversation with every person in America who is capable of understanding the basics of the gospel? And how can Ai shrink that total timeline?
What languages do not have a good gospel presentation or John and Romans in their language?
Why do people not ask more questions about God?
What matters most 1,000 years from now?
How does the delivery style increases the reception of the gospel? Compare preaching vs teaching vs stories vs a list of verses in a printed tract.
Generate a sales funnel style best fitting a gospel presentation.
Calculating the pace of technology and Ai and cbdc and global economic upgrades, what does the timeline look like for the arrival of AntiChrist and Christ Himself?
Write me a Kindle-friendly ebook explaining the various views on the gospel from all major religious perspectives.
Which of the keywords and key concepts of the gospel are people most familiar with? Compared to which of those same elements are people least familiar and why?
Why do some believers organically and abundantly share what they believe? Vs some people who say they believe in the God of the Bible share less frequently?
What do people spend the most time thinking of, expressed as a pie chart, please.
How to ethically and efficiently generate income to maximize time and energy devoted to distributing the gospel to those who have not heard yet?
Why are Christians afraid to use Ai to help fulfill the great commission?
Generate a gospel presentation pitch deck style compelling to an investor for evaluation.
Organize the concepts of the gospel in a child-friendly flip book that reads itself to the child including their name, in the voice of their grandparents.
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