I have many strong feelings on the Prosperity Gospel and Olsteen. It sounds like we Deserve good earthly things for our faith and hardship happens because we just don't have enough faith, but that's not how it works. Jesus' closest apostles all suffered a great deal and all but one died horrifically while the most evil men prosper die in their sleep. He needs to reread the book of Job, Ecclesiastes and the Gospels.

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Prosperity Gospel is basically New Age packaged with a Christian front. Having spent a lot of time in wiccan/occult and New Age before returning to Catholicism, a lot of their tenants and beliefs coincide with Ram Dass or Eckart Tolle, etc..

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I joined a Christian club when I was in college and I resonated with a lot of the activities, except for the missions. I liked that the club members would always ask for consent before sharing the Gospel with people. However, I realized recently that missionary work gives off colonizer energy and I don’t think I can support that anymore. I used to feel bad about not going on missions, but just because I don’t go out of my way to actively share my belief in God with strangers doesn’t make me a bad person.

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It should mean visiting the prisoner without strings, and comforting the afflicted without strings.

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