The Bottleneck of Gospel Sharing
Sometimes love is strong. I’m not trying to become your enemy because I tell you the truth.
There is a Bible solution.
There also is a serious problem worth solving.
The spirit of this post may seem overly persuasive. Maybe that’s the measure of motivation we need however.
Let’s explore the problem before the solution, shall we?
The Bottleneck of Gospel Sharing
Launching with the momentum of the acts of the Holy Spirit accomplished through humble apostles and believers recorded in the book of Acts [meaning actions] … It seems we would be on trajectory to have covered the known population of the world with the knowledge of the gospel of Christ by now. Everybody should have heard the gospel at least twice-over by now.
If we were obedient. If we were filled.
If we were humble.
If we were diligent.
If we were different.
If we were loved.
If we followed the pattern.
So what slowed the flow? What caused a bottleneck in the distribution channels through which the gospel was originally flowing freely forth from? There must be a pinch-point. Some sort of restriction to the knowledge being transported.
A bottleneck is traffic congestion due to partial obstruction, which slows the progress.
“… brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course” II Thess 3:1.
Paul covered his known world.
“And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia [Minor] heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks” Acts 19:10.
Let’s get all the excuses out in the air and see if we can evaluate possible solutions. Because it seems the world is in a quandary. The conundrum is the vast majority of the people are headed straight to Hell. That’s just accurate. If the Bible be true (and it cannot be proven untrue), then a large percentage of humanity is headed for total separation from God. Outer darkness. There’s a major problem. Probably the largest problem ever. The problem has several parts:
1. A large number of precious people have not fully heard a clear and compelling presentation of how to obtain eternal life. They know in parts.
2. Believers are not sharing the knowledge of salvation with urgency or momentum. Believers are not distributing the sufficient number of gospel presentations to offset the lack of knowledge.
3. There does not appear to be a viable plan to bring the gospel knowledge to every creature and country and culture within an acceptable timeframe.
4. Time is fading. We are approaching the end.
5. Social and digital platforms make sharing content the easiest ever in human history, right now. Yet underutilized.
Yet we as a corporate body of believers are consistently falling short of accomplishing what appears to be the greatest expression of love for others, as commanded by our Great Captain in the Great Command: “Go and teach.” But we don’t, as effectively or as often as we should.
We do not push buttons on our smartphone … to facilitate the flow of the Gospel to the lost. We do not speak truth in love with consistent frequency. We do not record our own voice explaining the simple gospel every single day we breathe. We do not type on Substack about the One we are supposed to love and think about supremely. Christ evidently is not top-of-heart or top-of-mind or top-of-soul or top-of-service.
We talk about things we love, which is reflected in how often we speak of Christ on all our social platforms.
Why would God allow us to continue through-on to tomorrow? Literally, how are we not fulfilling our main purpose?
Believers … not helping others believe. What’s a possible solution? Can anyone raise their hand and put an idea on the table?
If there is an eternal Hell, believers don’t have enough microphones 🎙!
Let’s talk about motivation for participation.
What are we sharing? Way better question, rephrased… Who are we sharing? Do we love Him? Does He love us? Can that love broadcast organically and seamlessly and fluidly on the daily?
Before any planning comes motive. Motive starts in the heart and should be the atomic fuel detonating our demonstration of devotion every day. Through pure motives, we plan properly. When the fuel is low then there’s no reason to outline a plan, because it will just fail. Due to lack of atomic energy. No combustion. No explosion deep inside. Low heart-love motive.
How can we say we love God and not tell the people? “If you love Me, keep My Commandments.” And what is the Great Commandment? Love God and love others such that we are moved to action to express love. With our mouth. Sharing Christ. We don’t love somebody if we are not moved to talk to them. We don’t love somebody if we can’t at least give out some words. Believers say they believe, but do not broadcast. Well, that’s interesting. How can someone believe something that they don’t share? Is that deep-rooted belief? Is that genuine belief? Is that enduring believe? Or is that like 40% belief? How do we measure the depth of our belief system? How deeply have the roots developed? How great is the love? Does our mouth open frequently? Do we hand out printed paper that explains salvation simply? Have we written our personal experience of meeting Christ on paper with pen?
We surveyed your friends… your 10 best friends, and we asked your 10 friends this simple question 🙋🏽♀️ “How did {Your Name Here} meet Jesus?” How many of the 10 knew the correct answer? 10 people in the wide world who claim to know you the best (and they actually like you) and they listen to you a lot. I mean, they hear a lot of things coming out of your mouth. They listen to your heart. They know how you think. They know your preferences. They know your entertainment patterns. They know where you spend your time. These are your best friends. And how many of them knew how you met your Best Friend?
Love not expressed is love-less. The bottleneck has to be love. A lack of love. Possibly because we don’t feel loved? Probably because we don’t believe the level of love God has for us.
My new favorite Bible verse. One verse that every believer should memorize and chew on and enjoy!
1 John 4:16
“And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.”
Therein is the answer to world-wide saturation of the knowledge of salvation!
1. when we know the love and
2. we believe the love
3. we will share the love.
Many people think they know the love of God. But have you fully known the depth of the measure of the love of God to you personally? Most believers evidently suffer from a superficial, incomplete knowledge of the love of God.
Possibly: when we FULLY know the love and we FULLY believe the love we will FULLY share the love.
For had they fully immersed themselves in the knowledge of the purity and volume of God‘s love for them … there would be evidence. What kind of evidence? Verse 13:
“Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit.”
What specific evidence reveals we have His Spirit dwelling within us? Verse 14:
“And we have seen *and do testify* that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.”
Verse 11: “Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.”
Verse 21: “And this commandment have we from Him, That he who loves God love his brother also.”
Love one another enough to introduce … another one to the true Source of Love from above.
Not everyone knows.
Notice I John 5:20:
“And we know [by contrast, the lost do not know]
that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, [Isn’t that the best gift? The gift of helping another gain understanding. Understanding for what purpose?] … understanding …
that we may know Him that is true, [Meanwhile according to verse 19, the whole world lieth in wickedness. What do we call someone who knows the Truth and won’t help rescue others from believing a destructive Lie?] … [We know, we understand, we have the Truth. They do not.] …
Let’s get a running start from verse 19:
“And we know that WE are of God, and the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness. And WE know that the Son of God is come, and hath given US an understanding, that WE may know Him that is true, and WE are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.”
The WHOLE WORLD = 7.98 billion and growing.
We are of God. Whereas …
the whole world lieth in wickedness.
“Wickedness” in Greek is pronounced: pon-ay-ros’.
Meaning: full of labours, annoyances, hardships, pressed and harassed by pain and trouble.
Second definition of wickedness: of a bad nature or condition, evil, hurtful, degenerate.
The WHOLE WORLD does not know the one True God like we do.
WE know that the Son of God is come … while the WORLD lieth in wickedness.
God gave US an understanding … while the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness.
WE know Him that is true, and WE are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ … even while the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness.
We have the True God and Eternal Life … even while the WHOLE WORLD lieth in wickedness.
Those who do not testify, or refuse to talk, have a heart problem. There’s a love disconnection. The love is not flowing inbound. The data is not being received. There’s a disconnect. The cords got clipped somehow. The streaming pipeline channeling the love from the heart of Heaven down to my heart got blown up by some mysterious divers. We have no idea how it happened and there will be no meaningful investigation. :)
We need to know and believe the love that God has for us and use that atomic fuel to dynamically move us into the pathway of hurting and blind and lost people to convey that love of God through us to them. We do testify.
Simple summary:
Receive the love.
Believe the love.
Deliver the love. Testify of love.
We feel God‘s love resounding throughout our entire being. We dwell in Him. He dwells in us. We are compelled to motion. We are filled to overflowing with His Spirit and the result is simply verse 14:
“We have seen *and do testify* that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.”
Testify. The test of your love is do you testify? Will you testify right now? Put your left hand on the Bible and your right hand in the air. Do you swear and solemnly affirm that you will testify right now as to your love for Christ? Does anyone else on this terra firma know my testimony? How often do we plan to intentionally testify? Do we just wait for a random bump in the road, or some haphazard maybe-gonna-happen chaotic situation three times a year?
Those who witness randomly witness rarely.
That’s not love. That’s just barely “like-level” devotion. “Peter, do you love Me?” “Feed my sheep.”
“Do you mean tomorrow?” … “Well, as often as the sheep get hungry.” Which is pretty much all the time. Have you ever met a sheep that was not hungry? And Christ started off by asking Peter to feed lambs, the first time. Now baby sheep get even more hungry than grown-ups. Feed My lambs. Find hungry souls. Take them something nutritious.
“Do you love Me? Feed somebody.” Deliver spiritual nutrition. Hold the bottle. Help people find nutrients. They’re starving. They’re headed for Hell. They’re depraved and depressed in darkness. Blinded. Alone. Sick of the wickedness. Wouldn’t you be tired too, if you had to exist … in this wicked world … apart from the help and power and knowledge and comfort of Christ?
They don’t need counseling. They need The Wonderful Counselor Himself to move in! They don’t need mental health. They need spiritual health!
When we know the love of God fully and we believe the love of God fully then we cannot contain ourselves. Because love must be transmitted. Love must be expressed. Love must flow out through your vocal cords. Love transfers Truth! Love must find action through your finger tips tapping the keyboard ⌨️, expressing your excitement over finding eternally satisfying love in the person of Jesus Christ, the Love of your life!
Do you love Him? All in favor say, “Aye!”
“I love Jesus. I did not tell anyone yesterday. I will not tell anyone tomorrow. But I still love Jesus.” That’s straight self-deception. You “like” Him. Maybe you have not 💯 BELIEVED the love that God has for you. Maybe you have not 💯 RECEIVED the love that God has for you.
The bottleneck in gospel distribution to the whole world is two words: know and believe.
Know the love that God has for you. Believe the love that God has for you. If we can just focus on that task. If we could just know the love of God. If you could just absorb into your soul and your mind and your heart and emotions, and into your inner-being the overwhelming, immeasurable waves of love that God has for you personally, … then you could not contain that love in the container of your personhood. You would get out in the neighborhood. :) Begin by hearing the audio Bible of First John 1+:
A completely loved person loves others.
A God-filled person is a Gospel-filled person.
“I spend hours on social media, but none of the channels I follow are focused specifically on the Gospel.” Then maybe you’re not growing into knowing and believing the love of Christ enough.
“I like news… just not the Good News.”
“I share articles but I don’t share ones from the Author of eternal life.” Let that not be our story.
Hebrews 5:9 “And being made perfect, He [Christ] became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him”
Our Gospel Author deserves distribution. :)
Obey the gospel.
Obey the love.
Obey the overflowing Spirit.
Follow what you know is good and right to do. Share Christ. Tell others.
Every possible believer. Every possible platform. We will never reach the WHOLE WORLD for Christ until there is maximum participation by every individual who has ever touched or felt or tasted that the Lord is good. And the Lord does love. KNOW & FEEL His love!
If there’s no tears in your Christianity you need a refund. I hope you kept the receipt. Send it back. You got the wrong product. If there’s nothing inside of you that jumps up and down every once in a while and shouts, “Glory taw God I ain’t a-gonna fry in Hell! Somebody reached down and rescued me from a very bad situation.”
If there’s no fire in your bones maybe you’re dead. Maybe you’ve never been re-born. Maybe you’ve never felt the love of God. Maybe you’ve not allowed or invited God to affirm His love toward you enough. Maybe you’ve hung up the phone when God called saying, “Ring-ring. I really do love you, you know. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I’m building a home for you, that where I am, there ye may be also. I have sent how many preachers into the pathway of your life?” You get the privilege out of all the people on this massive map; you’re in the less than 1% of less than 1% who gets a pastor named {Your Pastor’s Name Here}. Whom you know loves God, and you know he loves you. How many people on this wide and wonderful world have a pastor that truly loves them? How many people are in a program where the leadership is dedicating their lives to lovin’ God and serving others? And yet there’s few tears and there’s almost no fire and there’s zero scheduling of intentional opportunity where we share Christ consistently on a daily basis. Every single day gospel distribution.
Are we breathing oxygen? Share the gospel with it.
If all we have is one hour a day to tell God we love Him, let’s make that hour count. What better way to express love to God than to share God’s love with others?
Do you know what would help me be a better witness? If I would better know and more fully believe the love that God has for me. The outflow of that knowledge and the result of that belief would be … strong action. Massive, daily action. Abundant, abounding action in the form of sharing. Overflowing with love and joy and peace so that everyone everywhere knows it’s true.
We know God. Yet the world experiences wickedness.
Therefore, focus on intake. Intake the knowledge of God‘s love. Intake believable evidence of God‘s love. Absorb the love. The results of proper assimilation of this substance called the divine love of God will be … proper outflow. I will abound. I will organically overspill to the rest of my contacts today with imparting the knowledge of the love of God. I’ll want other people to believe the love God has toward them as well. Fill the well until I swell.
We know Love.
We believe Love.
We speak Love.
We write Love.
We prepare Love.
We present Love.
We channel Love.
We Nordstream Pipeline the Love.
Does God want His love shared with the whole world? If your answer is no or incomplete or hesitation, then maybe ask God to reveal to you His level of love.