(That was just to get you to open the article.)
Be curious. Slightly. Please.
Aren’t there some parts of human nature that make you slightly disappointed? We could just do better as a people. It might not irritate me in my own self, but when I see certain habits in others, I definitely wish human nature were better.
One area where improvement is welcome is curiosity. Kids ask questions. Right? But teenagers don’t need questions. They got it figured out. 20-year-olds definitely experience diminishing curiosity. We don’t explore much.
We’ve got to want to.
Want to learn. Want to ask. Want to know.
Is the truth available?
Probably not. But either way, should I not be curious enough to investigate slightly? There are certain questions that we dare not ask… lest our curiosity get us into thoughtfulness. :)
What questions would help me discover truth?
Simple questions:
What is truth?
Who is God?
Am I god?
If my research leads me to believe I may be disqualified as Deity in some categories… that indicates a God does exist outside of self. 🤩
Since I am not Him, then, who is He?
Before we get to the concept of salvation, we have to start with identity.
One irritating factor in human nature is laziness. We don’t like it in ourselves. We definitely get irritated when we see it in our children. When we look at society and see people not working, but yet demanding ungratefully, that they receive food and rewards… that just grinds us. No work 🟰 no food.
Consider the laziness mindset of avoiding exploring the identity of God. “Well, I don’t know, and I don’t care.”
That’s an awesome attitude.
If God exists… and if I am not Him… then I must be different than God. Because there is a difference between me and God, then I must be defined as a sinner: having come short of the full glory of who God is.
If I am actually a sinner, then what next?
Then God gets to set the rules.
Because I fall short… there must be results.
Falling short cannot be inconsequential.
Being different than God is drastic.
Being different than God is humanly irreconcilable. So God Himself gets to establish the steps to reconciliation.
Humans are so lazy.
I being one of them.
Thou shalt not question preconceived notions! :)
Let’s rise above.
We naturally think like this:
“Uh, it doesn’t matter.
God will just fix it all for me.
I don’t have to do or believe nothin’z.”
And if we’re less lazy, then we’re more prideful.
Like this:
“I’ll just fix it.
I’ll pay for it somehow.
God sure is lucky He has me.
Everything will be forgiven magically.
Sin can’t matter that much anyway.”
Something has to wake us up.
Perhaps facts.
The facts are stacked.
Statistics show people expire.
Math indicates time is short.
Physics reveals our physical being fades.
Geometry 📐 draws a long distance between me and Divine perfection.
Back to the question:
Should I receive salvation?
Only if you see you need it.
If there’s no need, there’s no solution.
Maybe you’re all set.
Good to go for eternity.
What are the rules of the game here?
I am not God.
God is Who God is.
Makes me a sinner comparatively.
Sinners deserve separation.
I cannot resolve my situation alone.
Only a Savior can separate in my place to reconcile the relationship with God.
I must accept or reject His offer.
Separation … what separation?
Sounds drastic.
Separation from Whom?
Separation how long?
Separation how painful?
Separation sounds horrible!
Separation as my substitute?
Why am I so special to revive such treatment?
Who would do that?
And why?
So I can’t just fix it?
I just accept the solution?
That’s way too easy, man!
Maybe you don’t need salvation then.
Invent your own.
Branch out.
Build a new … stairway to heaven.
Just believe … yourself.
Worked great for millions before you.
Let’s just ignore salvation.
I don’t need it.
Don’t want to think about it.
Maybe I am God. Or God will have to work it all out on His own somehow. But I’m just not going to worry about it.
I’ve got to keep scrolling.
The only people who need salvation are those willing to think about it. And now that you have …