The best songs express great love.
The best Book conveys mind-boggling love.
Love generates content.
Paul generated content; most of his books were written while traveling or in prison.
Travel in your mind to the damp, filthy, Mamertine prison to visit prisoner Paul, an old man, toward the end of his life. There in prison, he saw his destination appointment with Cesar and decapitation. And immediately beyond that, the eyes of his heart saw meeting his Saviour and Captain. Therefore, Paul picked up his pen. Paul was unwilling to meet the Author of eternal life while still having any ink 🖋 remaining in his quill or jar 🏺. Empty the ink. Pour out the ink ✍️. Express love through Epistles.
John generated content, most of which words were written toward the end of his life, looking back from the isle of Patmos in exile after being boiled in oil for believing Truth.
Love spontaneously erupts with expressions of gratitude. Love over-spills to others. Love unshared is incomplete.
Love bursts forth from the heart and mind into the open air and lands on nearby paper or on the screen of a recording device. We are so blessed with voice-to-text technology and audio recording devices carried with us throughout each day. Easy reach. Push button. Share gospel.
A head and heart on fire for God will generate heat.
Belief likewise attracts other believers.
Belief, when strong, shares.
The stronger the belief the more the magnetism. “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” 2 Corinthians 4:13.
The converse may also be correct. I un-believe and therefore have I un-spoken. :) Our measure of silence may speak volumes as to our fullness or emptiness of belief. Sad day standing before God when He asks about my silence. “Why were you silent?” No explanation. Just a strong heart squeeze. The obvious answer is I did not have sufficient love or sufficient belief to move my mouth to make known the glorious gospel of Christ.
According to the above verse… why do people speak? (A: Because they believe.)
Belief generates content.
God believes in content production. God produced content Himself.
God became the Word.
“He became the Author of eternal salvation” Hebrews 5:9b.
(That’s the only kind of salvation anyone should be interested in by the way.)
Those who refuse to author must ask themselves this question: why?
Why is it difficult to pick up a pen? Why is it difficult to speak voice-to-text through my notes app on my smart device? Do I have content? Does the content have me? Is the content worthy? Should the content be shared? Does the audience need to hear? Is somebody hungry spiritually? Why am I breathing on earth if not to share the love of God and the truth of God so that others may believe likewise?
We’re not gonna go so far as to say that no share equals no care. But we are going to say that sharing is caring.
Friends who share Gospel-content are kind of weird. And that’s awesome!
“I would never share the gospel publicly with my friends on social media.” Well, Jesus did.
He hung on a tree along the main thoroughfare highway for full social display with nothing to hide, to demonstrate His level of love and commitment for you personally. The Romans intentionally invoked shame as part of the crucifixion punishment. This was not done in a corner. The crucifixion was performed in a well-known elevated location. For maximum social share.
“… wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God” Hebrews 11:16b.
“Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” 2 Timothy 1:8a.
“For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed” Romans 10:11.
I’d be ashamed not to share.
I’d be ashamed not to produce content on the topic most near and dear to God‘s heart. I’d be ashamed not to witness for the Christ who stood up in court for me. I’d be ashamed to stand before God having NOT given every utmost drop of ink and sweat and blood and toil and slobber and snot while trying to get the gospel absolutely everywhere!
Probably doing it all wrong. Probably with an impure attitude at times. Probably not the best way possible. But may the motive be purified. At least there’s some evidence of effort.
As my dad would proclaim joyfully on the construction job site when we accidentally nicked our skin and a little blood came out, “At least somebody showed up to work today!” :)
Content production is prerequisite for content distribution.
I’m not saying the original Gospel needs any additions or corrections. But the Gospel does need laborers to carry it forward.
“For we are labourers together with God” 1 Corinthians 3:9a.
“Well, life is not all about numbers.” There’s a book of Numbers. Time is measured in numbers. Dollars are measured with digits. Numbers matter to God because people matter to God. Nobody’s accurately counting Gospel-content production and distribution except for God. “And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be” Rev 22:12.
Content-generation is my personal responsibility and delight.
Our mouth simply echos our heart chamber. “What’s going on down there? Anything Gospel-related?”
My heart was filled with sin, until the Saviour came in. Now I cannot stop or slow the flow. He abides in me. I abide in Him. It’s a delightful condition. Let me tell you about it.
“He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (But this spake He of the Spirit, which they that believe on Him should receive” John 7:38, 39a.
Not one river. Two rivers. Rivers plural.
A massive volume flow. Immense capacity granted. Spirit-filled and overflowing. What’s flowing out of my belly, upward and positive and clean and clear? Am I experiencing at least Two Rivers streaming forth from my inmost being to the delight of God and the betterment of humanity? We are not called to be a tiny-trickle-drip Christ-follower.
Everyone produces something.
The brain never stops producing words. The heart never stops producing emotion. We just get to focus on the topic we love most.
“But if any man love God, the same is known of him” 1 Corinthians 8:3.
That verse is speaking of reputation. A man’s reputation will be well-known. It will be obviously known when a man loves God. How so? Content production. When a man loves God, people know it. The same will be known about him.
Everyone produces content. Those who love God produce Gospel content. Let’s all participate in sharing the love of God. Share if you agree.