Gospel 🆚 Evil 👿
What’s the absolute best action we can take in the face of Orwellian evil rising? Share the best good.
Of course there are many good things. Let’s explore the singular, best good we can share. If we share a meal, that lasts about a day. If we share clothing, that lasts hopefully a couple years. Tangible goods and resources are limited.
The best good is everlasting.
The best good is directly from God.
The best good would have to be the most durable.
The best good would deliver the most transformational results.
The best good would pointedly address and solve the worst evils in human nature.
The best good would affect the receivers’ body and mind and emotions and spirit.
The best good would be powerful.
We submit for your consideration the proposal that the Gospel of Christ is the greatest good we can share.
(Please allow for a shift in thinking right here. We’re gonna join these two thoughts together later, cohesively: Gospel 🆚 Evil 👿 .)
Let’s consider the exact opposite of the “best good.” Let’s think about evil. This is not going to be fun.
We don’t have to look far for evil to show up. It’s fairly pervasive.
Let’s reflect on the word-meaning for a minute, please.
Evil 👿 means:
1) having qualities which tend to injury. (Hmmmm.)
2) morally corrupt, perverse.
3) producing sorrow, distress, oppression.
Wow, can I be in some other room away from evil, please? Deliver us!
Feels difficult to breathe. Just thinking about evil squeezes the spirit.
We can sense it, when in the presence of certain people or places. Not something we can shake-off lightly.
Since evil pulls men into perdition and the snare of destruction, then the ultimate good must pull individuals in the polar opposite direction.
Let’s be on that team! Doing the absolute best good. Pulling on the rope of “Team Heaven”, by inviting people to meet the Way into eternal life.
When you hear of evil, which we undoubtedly will hear more frequently … the best possible opposing action is intentionally delivering the precious Gospel to at least one person today.
The devil hates losing souls.
Doing the absolute best good is partnering with God to seek and to save that which was lost. Gospel 🆚 Evil 👿 … only one wins in the end. The Gospel is eternal while evil is fleeting.
We cannot allow evil to overwhelm our spirit. We must persevere in perpetuating and promoting the purity of the simple gospel.
“Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God” 3 John 1:11a.
Does the news have you down a little bit? I don’t like hearing about war. Nobody does. And what can we do about it really? Can we go do something good? How about do something ultimately-amazingly good, such as help with the massive transition of a precious soul from the clutches of death over into walking in victorious assurance of eternal life!
“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:21.
Participate in the Gospel.
In the face of evil, glow with the glory of God‘s Gospel.
How much evil is required to motivate us to do good? Is it dark enough in the world yet?
Perhaps the Gospel goes un-shared because believers are not discerning the times.
If we knew what time it is, we’d get on the digital housetops with megaphones 📣!
If today’s headlines do not move us toward greater Gospel-motion, we are moving in the wrong direction.
Be on the winning team while you can.
Let’s pause to summarize: don’t be overwhelmed with rising evil. Instead, do something. If you’re going to do something, do the best thing possible by introducing people to Jesus through the gospel. Practically, what that looks like is intentional conversation. Courageously partnering with the Spirit of Christ to invite people to receive the truth concerning salvation.
I watched a police-escorted funeral processional today comprising three vehicles and a hearse. I hope that person had a good impact and influence on multiplied tens of thousands who just … didn’t respond to the invitation to attend their funeral.
We’re all gonna take a trip.
Time is precious. Very little effort is required to simply record the gospel and press share.
Today, we can tell someone the known truth about eternity.
This life is a temporary test.
The evil all goes away shortly. The good remains. Let’s do something of lasting value while it is still called today. :)