Everyone is responsible for making their ripple on the pond of time.
Gospel reception is rarely linear or singular.
Gospel clarity usually gets received gradually from a multitude of influencers. Humans are fairly stubborn. Takes us a while to process.
The gospel arrives in several waves from various angles, somewhat like multiple ripples converging on a lake … spread out over time, assuaging the soul to consider Christ.
Gospel distribution acts like surround-sound. Each of us is one 🔊 small speaker adding to the greater effect.
We just need to be plugged in to the right Source and turned on to function properly.
Everyone is intended to be a person of influence.
IN'FLUENCE, verb transitive To move, not just by physical power … operating by unseen force; to have an affect. Spiritual persuasion.
IN'FLUENCE, noun [Latin influens, influo, to flow in; combination of in & fluo.] (Sounds like influenza. Don’t we wish the gospel could spread at least as effectively as influenza does.) :)
Continuing with the definition now: Literally, a flowing IN, into or on, while referring to substances spiritual or things too subtil to be visible, like INspiration. Hence the word was formerly followed by “into.” Such as:
God hath His influence into the very essence of all things.
There’s got to be something flowing.
None of us lives in a vacuum. We are all out in the open air.
2. To move via passions, as to influence one by pity or any strong emotion.
Matthew 9:36 “But when He [Jesus] saw the multitudes, He was MOVED with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no Shepherd.”
I too, am moved.
Influence takes action.
Influence is our faith in practice.
When we all implement and exercise our God-infilled influence, the gospel has resounding reach.
It’s just allowing Christ to flow through you. Not pinching the conduit.
Influence souls while it is still called today.
Like a chimney has a flue, allowing inflow of oxygen.
We can have sin-fluence or win-fluence. :)
Help other people continue as they were, or assist them in connecting to Christ.
Win people toward Jesus, or push them away from eternal salvation.
We cannot be used of God if we have no influence. Everyone therefore has influence. God partners with influencers.
Don’t feel like you have much? ASK God for influence. Not for selfish motive of course, but to partner with God in reaching those around you.
Influence is not … most definitely not about self-glorification. Just let the right Spirit flow into us so those around us want to know God better. Help people be curious.
What do you want in this first life?
Please God?
Please self?
Articulating is basic; while eloquence is persuasive. Anybody can say words in proper sequence like cardboard. Passion delivers the message.
Influence people to consider (please) experiencing the gospel of Christ.
Core ingredients of influence:
Something flowing inside … FROM the outside. More than just me, in me.
There must be an inbound Source. Those who have no inbound flowing have no outbound going. I am not the Source and cannot be the Source. Not trying to draw people to myself. I just channel.
My main enjoyment of the next life is contingent on how I treated the gospel in this life.
Because if we knowingly ignored the gospel here, then we regret it there, for sure.
If we in this lifetime, do not position our entire being as a crystalline broadcaster of this clear gospel … through us to everyone, we will be then … disappointed.
If we partner with the Spirit to engage in full measure gospel influence, we will be rewarded! :)
The gospel through us, not just to us.
Think of that person you could become. We are not that just yet. But we could. So we should.
“Well, I am not a person of significant influence.” But you are a person who has influence. Something is inside of you … that’s worth getting out to others.
Paul reached people of position.
Imagine you have one message. You have 30 seconds. Address the entire world.
The microphone is on. Go. Your 30 seconds has begun. Deliver a singular message to all humanity. [long pause]
Now take that message. Work on it with help of the Spirit. And deliver it to people in your contact list. Deliver it to your social media platforms. Deliver it to faces.
Every possible believer.
Every possible platform.
Jesus was not joking. He really, seriously wants us to work with Him. The work is obvious. People need the message.
Let’s all just do our part.
What’s the promise attached to the commission? “lo, I am with you. WE are a team. Not a solo mission. I go too.”
Matthew 28:20 “ … and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
Not “with you” like a cuddly, stuffed animal 🧸 tucked under the arm. But “with you” to accomplish the purpose explained. Instructions clear. Step one, son. Let’s take step one. Go, and we go. Together.
Step two. Communicate. Convey. Flow. Voice-box undulations. Speak truth gently and courageously because I am with you to help.
Nobody likes a guy who tells the truth bluntly; because they wish they could do it. :)
“Yeah, I just wish he would’ve said it nicer.” Certainly, there’s a sweeter tone available. Just add some frosting. Tell a story. Make it humorous. Do it different. Be artistic. But are you doing something? Show proof of work.
“That guy is a jerk.” Well, jerks can be correct. Sometimes we need a jolt … to get us back on the right path of action.
There’s a big difference between those who are doing it slightly-off-key and those who aren’t doing it at all.
Critics are crybabies. Build better. Do something. Or stop saying you believe stuff.
If every believer simply, humbly allowed God to flow into them to influence others with the gospel message, the commission could be completed within a short time.
Short survey for believers:
Do you believe … you have been born again / received true salvation, and are confident to stand face-to-face with God right now, with zero doubts about your eternal destiny?
Do you believe the gospel is designed to be shared?
Do you believe you are personally responsible and commanded by God to give the gospel to lost people?
Homework check. Please explain how you’re doing that. How are your actions harmonizing with your belief?
Positive people of influence posses key elements:
Saturate their heart and mind with God.
Strive to please God primarily and sometimes singularly.
Take the lead.
Speak courageously against errors in the common culture narrative. Identify evil and present the solution. Clearly define problems more distinctly than thought possible before.
Tend to get a little bit passionate!
Usually have great mentors & teammates around them.
Everyone does better with the right coach.
We all need help. And we should appreciate help. It takes a lot of kinetic energy to get some stagnant individuals into motion.
A coach comes along side and encourages: “Here’s how we do it. Just follow this action.”
First …
Think of how you appreciate the benefits of Christ and His salvation, personally. Take a solid 30 seconds to process it.
And then say a sentence. (Maybe push record before you say it.)
“I have no gospel coach. I don’t need a gospel coach.” Is that entirely accurate? Have you tried both routes? Is there a 1% chance you could become one percent better at Gospel distribution if you allow yourself to be coached? Where do you go to find a gospel coach?
Church is intended to be the pillar and ground of the truth. It’s the launching pad. It helps us go. It helps us make something happen. Your church should be intentionally, diligently assisting you to improve your delivery methods and timing.
Church is not primarily about making friends. Church … is becoming someone who helps enemies of God discover the Doorway to friendship with God, and then growing spiritually together with newborns.
If 98% of a congregation has been born again for longer than one year … what’s God’s perspective on the productivity of that church? Are they fulfilling the mission statement?
The gospel is not just for personal absorption. The gospel is for receiving and transmitting. I must pass it on.
The famous Luke chapter 2 ends with this verse: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in FAVOUR with God and man.”
Favor can be defined in a figurative or spiritual sense as, especially the Divine INFLUENCE upon one’s heart, and that Divine influence reflecting out through the life; including for example, expressions of gratitude. Expressions … attempting to explain the feeling, and the knowledge of being connected with the Divine as God’s true child. A pure-heart desire grows for those who are disconnected … to not remain in such a sad state.
There’s no valid reason to be ashamed of Jesus. Strategically and pervasively and courageously, where possible, we should say His name.
Would to God that every Bible-believing, born-again business person could include the name of Jesus in their email signature. I know …
We can’t do it. We’d lose business. We’d offend people. But they’re going to the lake of fire. So … are we offending God? “Well, there’s a time and a place for that. Not in public. Not in emails. Not in business. Not during daytime. There’s a time and a place; it’s called go to church if you want to hear about God. Otherwise hush up or we will culturally destroy you.”
Fine then. Another question: How long would you have to follow someone on social media before discovering if they’re serious about getting the Gospel out?
Let’s be believers exercising influence. Organic influence with intention.
Allow the inflow of the Spirit of God so that other people will know the gospel.